Did some polishing to the host body. Just wanted to smooth the machining but it went a bit further than just smoothing.
Threads look pretty nice and fit well.
Bypassed the spring on the driver and tail. grounded 3rd star for H, M, L
Emitter base soldered to pill.
Front and Back shots.
Not real happy with the design. Parts are stuffed in through the lens retaining ring. No head to remove. Pill has bad thermo conductivity to shell. Pill, reflector and lens are pushed up to lens with a large diameter spring similar to P60. But overall I a m OK with the end result, till it burns out. And only getting 2.4A at the tail. I did not change the stock wires on driver. I did try, but ruined a driver when the + solder pad broke off my first attempted driver. But it’s a Sub $20 stainless build.
Not really P60. Reflector and pill are separate. Only P60 similarity is the way the large spring pushes pill, reflector and lens into the lens retainer from the inside. Diameter inside head area is 22mm. Uses 16mm emitter base and 17mm driver.
But I couldn’t find much in a Host that is not Aluminum so I just bought it knowing the design flaws.
Yeah it was done by hand. Wet sand, 220, 400 and just went to 1500 and 2000. After the 2000 the Mothers Mag Aluminum did not do much more. Aluminum would still have visible scratches at 2000. Machine finish was kinda rough too. Could be felt with a fingernail.
Yeah, I was going to stop after the 400 & red scotchbrite. Kinda wanted to heat color it too.
But it’s shiny like chrome. May change it up later.
I have a Few polished aluminum lights. If I have multiples, one is polished up. A polished UF C8 looks pretty nice.
I gotta ask… Moose in Australia?
Sure, next time you are in the area you can drop them off.