I recently got a Manker e-11, and liked it enough to EDC it all around the house, shop, and such. I was plowing the latest snowstorm and afterward I went to use the light and that pocket was empty. :person_facepalming: Near as I can figure it’s plowed up somewhere in a snowbank. So now I think I’m conducting a test to see how it holds up frozen in snow and in sub zero (F) conditions for a few months . That’s if I find it at all. You can be certain that it will be searched for once the snowbanks melt away.
But after I realized that it was lost and after searching for it, I ordered a few more. As I wrote I like that little light. In the meantime I’m using a TG06 and also using the clip.
Dang! But I’m still ticked off at myself that I lost that first e-11.
Ugh… been there before too. Good luck getting it back. Do post pics if you find it again. I lost a SF 6P for 7-8 months, it managed to roll in between my dryer and washer. It was all caked and gunked up when I found it. It still worked fine though. I lost a Kershaw knife on the side of my brother in laws house for a winter season cutting boxes. I found it in the spring after a season of winter rain storms. It had just a little red rust around the edges that I was able to easily wipe off. Gotta love Kershaws 8CR13MOV… good budget steel.
That sucks, I love my E11. Lost mines in a cardboard trash compacter & it survived, tough little light.
I changed the clip on mines to the thrunite t10 clip and added one of the lumintop worm glow bands. The light doesn’t leave my pocket as you can see in the pic it has some love marks but still going. Hope you find yours.
First thing I do with these little AA lights is remove the clip. When clipped, they ride way too high in the pocket and pop out of my pocket when I bend over or sit down.
Streamer, yes, I ordered 2, but I wanted to do so anyway. My reasoning is that it’s a pretty good light, and if a cell is in the form of a AA it’ll work in it. I like that versatility. I wanted to order 3 but I’m trying to cut back, plus the Q8 is coming due soon, so only 2. I’m counting on finding the light after the spring thaw. (fingers crossed for luck)
I’ve found other things that I thought were lost “forever”. There is a “magic month” were everything is crushed down flat and things are easy to find. Once things start growing it’s impossible. It’s during that time that I pick up a lot of brass cartridge cases that got “lost” in the grass, and I pick up a lot of bullets from winter shooting that get remelted and recast into new bullets.
Maybe what I should do is get another ultratac K18 and wear it around my neck to prevent loss. The K18 is a pretty decent light and it’ll also run on any cell in the form of a AAA, USB port chargers are also available for it. Mil’ Spec’ dog tag chains are inexpensive and automobile key “push the button to separate” key rings are also.
If I lose another E-11 I’ll get back into search mode for another “always on me” type of light.
Just lost one of my knives last week.
No lights lost for months.
But… Did you really EDC yours? Wasn’t it more ODCing?
Not being impolite, but that is what I like about those cheaper knives and lights.
Lose it, look for it, don’t find it, replace it, done.
Some rental outfits offer metal detectors. If not good now then in the spring; one should pick up that much metal easily Or there may be a local metal detecting enthusiast group who could offer assistance. Just offering a $5 reward and some land to detect on would probably be enough to get a couple guys out there to search
I lost a mini mag with my house keys attached to it. First time I ever lost something that wasn’t stolen. Wasn’t too broken up about it since it was free. I would have been upset if my e11 disappeared though .