Burn spots on XM-L2's ?

I just received a few bare T5, 4000k, XM-L2’s from IS and all of them have what looks like a burn spot on the center pad. I’ve never seen this before on my other emitters but these are my first bare L2’s. Is this normal?

I can’t remember where I saw this (or if my memory is bad), but I thought that I read somewhere that with the XM-L2s, the pad under the emitter was now copper, and then they put some kind of layer or plating on top of that, but on some of them, the plating/layer doesn’t cover the copper completely. As I said, I don’t remember where I saw that, but maybe someone else can chime in.

There was a thread here about this a couple months ago but can’t find it now…

It's just oxidation from exposure to the air, the plastic strip from the reel has holes in the bottom that line up with the 'burn' marks.

Ive seen this on plenty of bare cree emitters and always assumed it was normal :~