bushwhacked second giveaway (Canada day/ atonement for scratch build defeat) closed. Winner in op

Niagara falls ofcourse !!!

Mounted police!

I know…I know…I know…I was embarrassed and desperate and spelled his name wrong…with the Canadian Laurel and Hardy (Bieber and Ford) LOL :bigsmile:

1). Robertson headed screws.
2). Poutine with gravy and cheese curds sourced from the Eastern Townships of Quebec.

The current record for longest military sniper kill with a .50 cal round is held by Canadian Cpl. Rob Furlong @ 2430m, thats pretty awesome.

Thanks for the GAW! I just gave my last C8 away here I wouldnt mind getting another

Uhhh where's Canada?

Being a Rochester/Buffalo NY Yankee, I can't say anything nice about Canada, even if I wanted to. My heritage won't allow it, or I will be banned from there for life.Tongue Out

I can say they have the biggest damned Mosquitoes in the world and the black flies got to be the very meanest pests ever invented!

Don't put me in the giveaway, of course, I just wanted to tease ya a little. Haven't been to Canada for over 30 years, must have gotten better there by now, cause it sure got worse here. Wink

It really is a very diverse and beautiful country.

Canada is in the list of must see countries!

one day….

Canada is awesome because ice cream doesn’t melt year-round!

Thanks for this opportunity!

Im in ! :slight_smile: Canada is awesome because i’m Canadian, and we have the best beer, best poutine, and best places to use flashlights ! :bigsmile:

Thanks for the giveaway. Canada is awesome because Vancouver is very hip, Toronto is the cleanest big city I’ve ever been to (at least a while ago, when I was there), Canadian bacon (aka round bacon)rocks, and most of all, you guys don’t start wars!

Canada is awesome because Canadian football is awesome :slight_smile:

Five peeps, one guitar…

Have grandparents 5 generations back that lived just north of there in Canada (still have distant family there) - AFTER they moved from Buffalo.

Canada’s awesome because of their maple syrup :slight_smile:

Canada is a gorgeous country.
The majority of the country is just the natural, mostly uninhabited land. With breathtaking views at almost every turn it’s hard not to be encased within the beauty of the untouched natural territory.

Robin Scherbatsky - I love HIMYM

I posted it first

Two of my best friends are from Canada.

ZOMG. If I win, could you just send some of those chips instead of the light? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: All four of those sound delicious.

Okay, maybe I just disqualified myself… but still. MOOSE CHIPS!

I spent some time in Calgary a while back… A friend and I kind of accidentally saved a company there from bankruptcy, because we wrote an app for one of their products and it got featured on slashdot. So, they invited us up for a while and gave us a place to stay. Calgary was pretty cool, a sizable city with a small-town feel.

Canada is awesome because it has blue money!
Canada is awesome because it is huge and has a very small population!
Canada is awesome because people are open minded!
Canada is awesome because a small part of it speaks the same language as me (but with a very, very weird accent)!