C8 XML de-dome & reflector mod

Well I went ahead and de-domed the C8 tonight. Put it in some gas for an hour and a half to two hours and it came off while swooshing it around in the gas. I think it did give me a little more throw and a warmer tint. I am happy with it so far. Thanks for the replies guys!

Does the emitter and the surface the emitter is on have to be disconnected from the pill? I don’t currently know where a potential soldering gun is.

The hydrocarbons will potentially dissolve the plastic making the insulation of the connection wires.

Dunking a whole LED and MCPCB should be fine. I do it that way before I connect anything.

You should get a soldering iron. They're cheap and you'll need one eventually anyway. :)

I have a torch and some soldering wire! :smiley:

Yeah, I need to get a soldering iron. :slight_smile:

That combination sounds like it would burn the dome off nicely, no need for dedoming after that! :stuck_out_tongue:

You can wrap a wire around the backside of the pill and suspend the emitter in the gasoline without de-soldering anything. Lower it into the gas such that the emitter itself is barely into the gas, not the pill. The insulation around the leads might swell some or even split, but you should be able to get it done this way.

Just remember, the negative lead is still important to keep from making contact with the light, as this will put the emitter in direct drive….you won’t have any of the driver’s modes.