- I just finished my C8TT XPL-HI triple build and I’m not liking the output or the beam pattern. With that said, can I run three XHP50.2’s 5000k under that same optic?
- 2nd, what driver should I use in this C8TT build?
- 3rd, what type of 18650 cell should I use?
- Last, I also want to build a clear Convoy C8 with a single XHP70.2 and I’d like to ask those same questions for this build…
I realize I’m a newbie here so I’m sorry if I’m asking questions that might be common knowledge. I HAVE done research but can’t seem to find my answers. I have built a triple S2+ and a triple C8 which were pretty straight forward. But once I go past a direct drive system and I have to match Led’s up to a certain driver and match volts to amps, my knowledge stops there.
I will continue to do my research & learn but I figured there’s no harm in asking.
xhp50.2 are 6 volt leds so one battery doesnt give you enough voltage. there is something thats called a boost driver that can up the voltage but not for 17mm driver.(that you need). And if it could be done heat will be an isue lol.
why dont you like your beam and output?
I want to build a dedicated thrower so I bought a C8. Since heat is an issue I bought the C8TT head. Turns out the optic isn’t a thrower at all and I like the stock reflectors. So now I’m deciding what to do with the C8TT and the stock Convoy C8.
I was thinking of a triple XHP50.2 up until I learned that you can’t power it with a FET driver.
I may just leave the C8TT alone and try to put a XHP50.2 in the stock C8 to make my dedicated thrower.
a xhp50.2 is not a led you use for a thrower. This is because the led is to big. a xhp35 is much better for a thrower. xpl hi with fet and large reflector already throws really far imo. and it will be a lot cheaper and easy build. the convoy L2 is a nice light/host for a thrower, but its bigger then a C8
So how about I put an XHP70.2 OR a XHP50.2 into a stock Convoy C8 with a boost driver?? From what I read, both of those Led’s are rated at over 4000Lm’s!!
OR, I can run a single LUXEON MZ 5700K 90+CRI LED in the convoy C8 host powered by a linear driver LD-B4 and ran off of a 30Q or a VTC5A 18650???
(this Led is rated over 3000Lm!)
lumens do not mean throw. My convoy L6 has 8000 lumen with xhp70.2 but has a very wide beam because the surface area of the led is 7mm x 7mm. So a lot of lumen and heat but not a tight beam. If i put a xhp35(3.5mmx3.5mm) in my L6 i would get double the throw. the measuring unit for throw is candela. The most throw you would get out of a normal c8 would be with a small led with not more than 1000 lumens.
yeah both the reflector and led determine the beam pattern. If you want a tight beam with a xhp70.2 you need a very large reflector, like blf gt. Does your light have a specific purpose? or do you just want a light that can shine very far?
All of the Lights I own are flood lights. I bought the Convoy C8 to be a dedicated thrower.
I’m also liking the neutral white tints over the cool white which is making my choice of LEDs more difficult.
here is a vid that shows the beam. XHP70 in C8 vs XP-L Hi in M1 - YouTube
Not really what you want if you are looking for a thrower. Also a lot of heat low runtimes and horrible beam imo.
yeah thats a nice led for throw. But you will get a really narrow beam with a small hotspot. And dont use a driver with to high current(like fet) or you will fry the led. Xpl hi will give you more lumen and wider beam but still nice amount of throw. Thats why (almost)everybody likes xpl hi so much.