I figure its a good idea to know how long each battery would last in case of power failure, but its not easy to make a list for a few lights of how long they will last
Starting with 105C/Qlite driver, which all of us will have at least one of
I have 2600mAh batteries, so i just assumed i would get 1 hour of runtime as the battery falls out of regulation and power consumption decreases (2.8A driver), and in an emergency you won’t use high for very long if at all since you want to conserve battery power
HKJ:Due to the fast pwm, the driver does not turn fully on. This makes the driver drop out of regulation at a fairly high voltage.
So how can i calculate actual runtime for a theoretical 1000mAh battery, for easy conversion ability i can multiply by 2.6 for 2600mAH or whatever battteries i have available or can’t i (experts please chime in)?
Also i have found medium does not last the over 4 hours that is theorized, i seem to get about 1.5 hours on sanyo 2200mAH, but i have never measured an exact time
This may also explain the small difference we seem to notice between medium and high for most of our lights, the consumption is above what its proclaimed to be giving us more lumens then we are expecting, and starts falling in current before high does, so medium to high is never an actual percent, it always changes spending on battery voltage even if high is running at full power (battery is over 3.6V under load) this seems a real mess to me
HKJ In low mode the light is never in regulation.
This would be the most used mode, the only possibility i can think of is to do a field test, or can someone come up with a calculation?
I have been using a Crelant V21A to get a feel for it before i leave it in the car for emergency usage, it is supposed to be putting out 420 lumens for 106 minutes, but i get an estimated 250-300 lumens for about 45 minutes on fully charged eneloops, again official numbers are not useful to have on hand because they are misleading. When i post my review for this light i will post some links with actual lumen tests that show its nowhere in the ballpark of 450 lumens on high
I also have no reliable numbers for an Olight S20, or Klarus P1A so it turns out i have no real numbers to work with at all.
Your thoughts and experiences?