Can anyone confirm these are Lishen LR2170LH?

These were purchased from Vapcell by someone else and donated for testing and I wanted to confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, they are actually Lishen LR2170LH.

The date/batch code matches the number others have reported but I wanted to double-check since it appears that Vapcell received bare cells and wrapped them for sale. No factory wrap. Thanks!

Photo: Lishen LR2170LH (tentative).JPG - Google Drive

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I had seen that thread, unfortunately there were no photos of a bare cell to help me verify that I do indeed have LR2170LH cells.

No need for ambiguity, I’m the buyer, got the cells directly from @vapcell_Dennis here.

I’ve not spent as much time testing them as I’d hoped to yet, but overall I’ve found the capacity tests as similar to other reports of LR2170LH, and they show better peak but worse sustained high load performance than P45B in realworld use in a light (I don’t have any way to bench test batteries but have plenty of hotrod lights to test them with), which seems to be consistent with other people’s reports.

In terms of visual appearance, I have two other LR2170LH than this order, which have a grey wrap instead of clear, but the physical dimensions seem exactly the same and the design of the positive terminal matches.

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Thanks for your post and that info!
I always err on the side of caution when mentioning names as some people want to stay anonymous. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Generally speaking, the batteries on vehicles are exposed without heat shrink tubing

Some other industries also have such requirements, such as Bosch electric drills
It is rumored that this LH battery without pvc is used in Mercedes Benz cars,

Lishen’s LH battery and other batteries have many different designs, including the color and text content of the battery heat shrink tubing. Some are specifically customized for certain companies,
For the sake of shipping safety, we must add heat shrink tube. Unless transported with original pallets

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Thank you.
I wasn’t worried about there being no wrap as there are definitely applications using bare cells.

I’m just not able to verify that these are LR2170LH cells without a factory wrap. Just as a standard practice I wanted to confirm that these cells are those Lishen’s. It doesn’t come from not trusting Vapcell.

It’s just my standard procedure due to all the questions I get, asking me how do I know if a cell is what I say it is if there’s no factory wrap.

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I can go ahead and remove the wrap from gray and pink LH cells if it’ll help. From Neal for the Nightwatch Chaos NS59V2 flashlight.

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Are they plain wraps, with no factory printing? Or do they have factory printing on them (date/batch code, etc)?

I think they’re factory wraps. I’ll take some new photos when I’m home.

Here’s one from my review of a torch:

This blog post might be of interest, it mentions 2170HP:

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That sure looks like factory printing.
A side shot (like my photo in the first post) with the wrap on showing the factory printing and then a side shot with the wrap off showing any printing on the metal can would be incredible. Thanks!

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Thanks! I’ll get it translated. Unfortunately their 2170HP section shows a cell with no marking on the wrap but it will all be interesting reading.

Here are some photos. Unfortunately, no printing was found on the can. I made a video below.

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Oh no…sorry that you did that and there was nothing on the can!
If those are LR2170LH cells then things are definitely confusing. I haven’t seen a single model number cell come in variations with and without can printing. Though I guess it could happen, especially if bare cells were requested by a big customer.

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I don’t think either of those cells are factory wrapped.
They may or may not be Lishen’s, I don’t know.

The factory Lishen’s I have all used free-floating top insulating rings (as do all the big name cells). Those two cells you have use self-adhesive top rings and that’s only used by smaller cell (re)wrapping companies IMO.

Their burnished-looking cans can be from the washing process that gets rid of any printing on the can so that might indicate they’re LR2170LH (which appear to have can printing). This washing is commonly done by the China cell wrapping companies to make it harder to know what cell was used and/or to make it harder to trace the cell’s origins (and therefore how the company bought the cells, which isn’t always done properly).

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These cells (LR2170PH-marked) are sold by Nightwatch, and apparently also sold by another taobao seller.

They could be anything, but they might just be rewrapped LR2170LH with the markings scrubbed off, so as to make it harder to figure out what they actually are.

The 03BCEA3 code shows up on some information from Lishen directly so it makes me think they’re just washed LR2170LH

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