I got a couple of these emitters out of “Bushnell” (lol) flashlights. They have them in the pro 1300 and the trkr 1250 models. They look like xhp70’s but the foot pads are solid on the bottom with no cuts to configure 6 or 12v. they are 7x7mm and are silvery on top of the board like an xml-2. their Vf is similar to the xml as well. they start to light way before 6v. Anyone have any ideas?
Hi PowerRam (welcome to BLF ), I get ‘photo not found’.
Managed to watch the two pictures in a new tab: it could very well be a Cree MK-R led, a slightly older type of 4-die led but certainly very capable of putting out a lot of light.
thanks for the warm welcome! I actually thought mk-r at first too , but those are 6 and 12v as well right? even a 6v led shouldnt start coming on at 3v i thought. It’s not that I dont trust the emitters, its walmart that I dont trust lol.
Welcome to BLF!
Interesting question, sorry I can’t help you but Djozz is a real led connoisseur
Hmm, sorry I missed the low Vf in your post… I’m at a loss then for now.
maybe theyre just 4 xm-l2’s squished together lol. I tell ya what though, Ive got one in a J5 tactical host that I picked up. It runs on a single 18650 and with the resistor mods I did to the driver, it will almost ignite dark colored materials. I’m planning on putting 3 or 4 of them in my 9x srk and filling the rest of the holes with RGB and UV and running the meld v2 driver. I want a light that will physically knock a person over with photons lmao.
Is this the flashlight?
One of the reviewers says it is an MR-K.
I am betting on the MK-R at 7x7. I have one in a light and can make it glow at about 3.4 volts. That is all, only glows. Yes, I did pull one of the driver wires off to test it.
Yep, thats the light. Here’s a pic of the emitter at 2.6v pulling a whopping .08 on my bench supply. no driver connected, just straight from the power supply. And just an F.Y.I. Sinkpad is giving away samples on their website. I just got 10 copper stars for free. 5 in xhp70 and 5 in xhp50. you can choose whatever you want though.
Just tested original driver as well. It’s putting out almost 2a on the dot with my ammeter connected in line between it and the emitter, so the MK-r seems like a pretty good guess. The only thing that gets me is every pic I see of the MK-R it has a + marking on the upper right side that this one lacks. Eitther way, I think 3-4 of these in a skyray king with the rest of the slots filled with rgb and uv emitters will make a pretty bright little light. I’ll post pics up of the build once I get everything put together. Thanks guys!
Hey mate nice car. I have been wanting to buy a 240z. Right now I have a Datsun 510 with a SR20DET. If I lived in the states I’d probably throw a LS in a z series.
HAH! I wrecked my first Z with the stock L28 in it and used the insurance money to buy a 76 280z with a 350hp lt1 v8 in it. I ended up fixing it up and selling it for a 71 510 wagon with the ka24 swap done to it. worst decision I ever made…. I loved the wagon but it couldnt compare to my DatZilla lol. 350hp and 28 mpg, and never left me on the side of the road EVER. Man I miss that car….