I have 5 wireless thermometer/weather stations that stopped communicating between the outdoor sensor and the indoor display. This happened to all of them at the same time. They are all different brands - LaCrosse, Oregon Scientific, Ambient Weather, Thermor. There are a total of 5 sensors and 7 receivers/displays inside. All of the displays are working showing info such as time and indoor temperatures. The outdoor sensors either have a small display or a little red LED that flashes when a signal is being sent, they all seem fine. The batteries have checked out as good. Some of the displays are battery and some are plugged into an outlet. So the hardware seems fine and for some reason the signal is not making it from one to the other. Two of them were purchased early this year and the others have been working for years. There are no cellphones, laptops, wifi, walkie talkies, CB radios or any other transmitting devices that I know of nearby. They are located at different locations outside and the receiver/displays are in 6 different rooms.
Last year the 3 that I had at the time all stopped communicating at the same time just like now. It was close to a week before any of them started working and it took almost 2 weeks before they finally started working properly. They came back gradually where they would work for a few minutes before losing the signal then hours later they would pick up the signal a little longer. The amount of time they were getting the signal kept getting longer each day until a week later were they stayed in communication. It was like the atmosphere needed to clear to allow the signal through. When I told a friend about it he pointed out to me it was the same day and roughly the same time there were numerous power and internet interruptions in the northeastern US which covered my area. Some people at the time were talking about a test of the "internet kill switch". I am not a conspiracy theorist but he did say it sounded like how a narrow band EMP would act. That is far beyond my knowledge.
I would like to know what could possible cause 5 unrelated electronic devices to quit working at the exact same time. I don't know much about how these type of radio signals work and would just like to get these things working again.
Wish i had a solution for you…
Had same problem myself for a while now, got this gadget at Costco that has a wireless outside temperature sensor that used to work fine when new, and now for last couple of years mostly shows this ( : ) instead of outside temperature.
I thought that it was just bad luck and i got a faulty unit, now i see others have issues as well, must be the electronic genie curse…
Another weird behavior i get is with one of my portable radios,every time my neighbor uses her SUV to open her garage door one of my portable radios turns ON. Used to drive me nuts until i figured it out, now i make sure to take the battery out when not in use.
Hope someone will chime in with a solution for you.
No doubt something is jamming the signal.
A cheap walwart switching power supply? Try unplugging all such devices in your house. If it works, plug them back in one at a time to isolate the offender. It could also be something at a neighbour’s house.
Unplug everything that has a plug attached to it. Consider even the freezer and the fridge.
And by everything I mean: do a room-to-room sweep. If you must; flip the main-switch.
Have you installed new gadgets in the meantime? Maybe a powerplug for your internet? Charger?
A ventilator over your head? Airco, boiler, central heating pump. Things you normally “don’t notice”.
BTW household appliances (hoover) are notorious for causing ripples in the net when starting up.
Some things even apply to your neighbours, if they are connected to the same fase on the grid as you.
IF you’re on a 3-fase connection to the grid, try to feed your wifi stuff from an other fase.
Have you had a cold snap or any sudden change of weather come thru recently, such as the night before they quit working? Are all of the outdoor sensors battery powered?
when our wireless stations sporadically stopped showing sensor signals,
we relocated the sensors/station. that worked until it did not.
(we have only two: LaCrosse and Oregon Scientific)
we reset everything and they worked until they quit.
bottom line: insects were getting inside the sensors.
apparently, some insects LIKE electricity.
“There are a variety of insects that have an affinity for electrical hardware…”
During the day today they all started picking up their signals again. Not all at once but over 12 hours or so.
I live in a rural area and no neighbors are too close. The hardware and batteries all look visually OK - no cracks, corrosion, bugs or water. Nothing new in the house. I have shut off individual breakers in the house but never all at once which is what I will try if this happens again.
This event started on Oct. 5 in the early AM EDT probably around 3:00 AM give or take an hour.
The event last year was on Sunday June 2 but I don't know the time. Here is a link that a friend sent me at the time that seemed like it could have been connected to.
I know nothing about the site but it was interesting to see what supposedly happened at the same time.
I don't know the MHz but will check into it.
One or two or even three having problems at once might happen but five unrelated ones at the same time points to something other than the weather stations themselves. It just tough finding it.