As angler posted am Arduino is a microcontroller board. There are a lot of people getting interested in projects that include Arduinos and the sellers of just about every electronic component adds Arduino to the description to improve hit rate on searches. It’s no more an Arduino switch than it it is Lexus gasoline.
Any momentary switch that has the pins in the right place will work. Bonus points if it fits inside whatever plastic housing you have.there is probably a name and model number on the switch, if you can match that, you have a direct replacement. But you are going to have to unsolder the old one and solder the new one in,or find someone who can do it for you. Be warned, unsoldering switches can be difficult for beginners.
@Dimbo The Blinky That’s a nice manual Japanese whisker. I don’t think it takes long to make a foam in coffee. It would be great if it had spinning mechanism with handle though.
@Martini Looks like there are chocolate candies inside the bottles…
I often order Coffee and Whiskey, only for the waiter or bartender to respond “Irish Coffee?”. My understanding of Irish coffee is that it’s coffee with whiskey (Irish) added, as well as heavy cream and brown sugar. Many people add something like Bailey’s to an Irish coffee, or leave out the cream and sugar. :zipper_mouth_face: At home i bought Keurig Coffee Maker and very happy. In Ireland acceptable to drink Keurig Coffee Maker before noon, yeah it’s tradition… Here a good article with examples jonsguide.