I have 4 pieces of 2S1P battery pack from LG M58T. I’d like to measure their capacity.
My charger is a SkyRC B6neo. It has fairly limited max ranges for LiIon: 2.9-4.12V. I’d like to measure close to 100% DoD.
For the measurement, I’d like to charge it to 4.20V and also discharge it to 2.5V. The only way to do the charge I found is by setting it to LiPo, which allows 4.20V. To discharge I’d need to set it to LiFe which allows 2.60V. So 2.50V is not possible, but 4.20V - 2.60V is close to 100% DoD.
From the manual:
I guess the discharge is “dumb”, just a constant 2A load, so nothing to worry there.
What about the charge in these smart chargers? So far what I did was I charged charge to 4.12V using LiIon and then to 4.20V using the LiFe setting.
Is there anything what can go wrong with these smart chargers on the 4.12-4.20V range? Or it’s just the same CC-CV profile?