In a light such as the maxtoch m24 or hd2010 or yezl y3, can the xhp50 work. I know it’s not meant for throw, but it’s the same size as the xm-l2 and has a slightly smaller viewing angle. Yes I know that the smaller the emitter size the further throw, but does the huge lumen output make up for that?
The substrate size is the same as the XML, but the die size is not. Plus there is the cross in the middle to deal with. If you have a perfectly focused reflector, it will be focused on the middle of the emitter, which is a dark spot.
You can certainly make it throwy, as some have done with the XHP70, but I don’t think a ’50 will out throw a well focused XML2
Perfect thrower probably not. But OL got the XHP70 to throw, and he was able to vanquish the cross too with the right reflector.
If you would have K40 with MTG2 and K40 with XHP50 or even XHP70 I doubt they will throw better than original K40M but you need that reflector size for throw…
What about Fenix bc35r with 146m throw at 1800 lumens as specified by manufacturer? It has a half scoop reflector and half horizontal parabolic reflector with a some sort of aspheric lens molded in to the upper part of the protective plastic lens for sharp cut-off. Probably since it’s indendet for road use then wide homogeneous beam with moderate throw might be sufficient at bicycle speeds.
Those large dies simply will not throw without perfect optimizing and large reflectors, and/or magnifying lenses. It’s just too much easier to use a smaller die.
And I love XHP50/70.2 and wish it wasn’t so.
Hard to say anything without proper measurements, but even after dedoming the XHP50 in Fenix bc35r there is no apparent tightening of the hotspot below the cut-off line indicating of more throw, only something which looks like a slightly more smeared upper spill above the cut-off line.