Cmon, just any info. Tease us, we won’t care. Like will it have the same size head but with a single reflector instead of three? Xhp 35HI? Multi or single emitter? 18650 or 26650 cells?
Flooder/high lumen thrower or straight thrower? Etc…… Any info please ?
I would like to see if I should wait for this btu shocker, or just get the new thrunite tn42
thanks for that info flashpilot.
so it looks as though it will be mega wall blaster with good decent throw just from the sheer power.
hopefully the handle will be the same size diameter and not any thicker than the previous shocker.
and i sure do hope they decided to go with a side switch this time….
You would be the man they should send one to for a review. You were the king of all kings at modding these shockers. I believe I have the brightest shocker you ever modded, over 5500 lumens with xml2. Dale has that beat now with his xhp’s grrr.