Caring for O-rings

With the large collection of extra o-rings, rubber switch covers etc that we collect, how should they be cared for?
Should a preservative be used on them, stored in plastic bags, or just in storage boxes? I would hate to need one and all of them be dried and brittle.

We're supposed to "care" for the o-rings? Oh my gosh! lol

I have some silicon lubricant I put on the ones in my light, when I can remember to. The spares are tucked in the little zip-lock baggies they came in and stored in the box the light came in.

I need to get on the ball with these, I know.

I’ve never thought about this and also just keep all my spares in the ziplock bag they came in. I would think they could potentially dry out so maybe spray a very small amount of silicon oil into the bag?

The Society of Aerospace Engineers put out an ARP back in 98 to their industry standard for o-rings and molded seal's shelf life. They say 5 years for polyurethane, natural rubber, polybutadine, & polyisoprene. 15 years for nitrile, neoprene and Butyl. Unlimited for ethylene propylene, fluorocarbon, perfluorinated elastomer, silicone, and the like.

For our uses in flashlights, we don't need to be too concerned. The usual, "keep in cool, dry place away from sunlight" will help preserve them. Once you pull it out of the package and it feels like slimy or brittle it means it's gone to sh#t and you need to go shopping.