CGR18650CF from laptop pack?


I took 8 of the following batteries out of a laptop battery pack. Do you have any information about them? I could not find anything useful.
How good, safe, expensive are they? Are they protected? Are they better than my Trust/Ultrafire cheapos?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Let's not forget that even the Ultrafire claim protection on almost all cells most do not have any protection at all in fact and even if they have can still be a total junk.

Yep, the laptop was bought 2007 and costed 1700โ‚ฌ. It was expensive, but it is indeed old.
So you think Iยดm good to use them?

Have you at least tested the voltage of each cell with a DMM?

Not yet. But I always test batteries before I put them iinto a light. Every time : )