i search a charger for 10440, 14500 and 26650
I hesitate between:
Miller ML-102 (7.50:money_mouth_face:
Xtar WP2 II (16.50)
Xtar WP2 (10.60)
otherwise do you have a better suggestion
i search a charger for 10440, 14500 and 26650
I hesitate between:
Miller ML-102 (7.50:money_mouth_face:
Xtar WP2 II (16.50)
Xtar WP2 (10.60)
otherwise do you have a better suggestion
10440 will need a much lower charging current then 26660.
Really need either two chargers or one thats adjustable quite low. I don’t recall seeing an adjustable one that actually goes low enough.
Miller ML-102 Should be around 1.5a charge current (since it lists “Double TP4057”). Certainly too much for 10440.
The WP2II have 500ma and 1a
Perhaps foursevens Single-bay Smart Charger
Charges 14500, 16340 (RCR123A), 17670, 18500, 18650, 26650
Li- ion (4.2V) and LiFePO4 (3.6V)
Current: 500mA or 1A
Plus you can charge from USB, car adapter 12V or wall/outlet
Really 500ma is still too high for 10440. People do it when they don’t want to find a lower current charger but it increases your risk (of venting / fire) & reduces the life of the battery. You want 300ma. Now it doesn’t sound like a big jump from 300 to 500ma when you see some chargers doing 1500ma but to a 10440 it is a big difference.
If you can solder you can get a tp4056 usb charger on ebay for $1.65. Add a different resistor & it should be happy to do 300ma. Certainly can’t get cheaper & its a quality chip. Unmodified they do 800-1000ma & it seems two boards can be doubled up for 1600-2000ma.
I would second tp4056 with mod for 10440 only but if you prefer regular ones,go for the one with USB input up to 1A. Then you have 2 different power supply(power adapter) typically 300mA for 10440 and 500mA or above for the rest of the battery types.
Hobby charger can be considered too.
How about Intellicharger i4?
Yes, only if 10440 are charged in pairs. With single 10440, the charging current going to be little high.
For small batteries (i.e. 10440 and smaller) CottonPicker has a nice little charger, he is selling them on cpfmarketplace.
Ok for 10440 I will buy the tp4056 but what is the modification I need to do
and for 14500 and 26650
I thought it has independent bays and could regulate the current for each bay?
Ok for 10440 I will buy the tp4056 but what is the modification I need to do
The cheapest boards have a tiny surface mounted (smd) resistor that need to be replaced. Some other boards (like these) have holes for the resistor but those boards have no usb jack… (could cut a plug off a usb cable or get one board of each type & link the power input)
RPROG resistor / charge current mA
5 k ………………. 250 mA
4 k ………………. 300 mA
3 k ………………. 400 mA
2 k ………………. 580 mA
1.5 k ……………… 780 mA
Somewhere there is a picture of one with the smd resistor replaced with a standard one but I can’t find the thread :weary:
Picture of the size difference & location of RPROG / current resistor Review Charger TP4056
10440 will need a much lower charging current then 26660.
Really need either two chargers or one thats adjustable quite low. I don’t recall seeing an adjustable one that actually goes low enough.
Miller ML-102 Should be around 1.5a charge current (since it lists “Double TP4057”). Certainly too much for 10440.
ML-101, 102 and 103 have max 1A charge current.
Your right ML-102 is 1A HKJ review
I was going by the fact that Fasttech lists ML-102 as having “double TP4057”. If set to max each can do 1A if heatsinked well or ~800mA if not. So you could bump the ML-102 up if desired. Current select switch mod anyone?
I’m searching for a way to have just one small travel charger for ALL my battery needs. I just ordered the Nitecore i2 and the only batteries it can’t charge safely are those with a (real) capacity below 500mA. I would pay twice (or even thrice) as much for an i2 which could do 10440 and 10250 without damaging the batteries.
Given that such a charger doesn’t seem to exist at ANY cost, I was wondering whether it’s feasible to use a resistor in series with the 10440 (or indeed 10250) to bring the charge current down to the appropriate value.
The only problem I can think of is that while this could work in a “dumb” charger, a smart charger may get confused and it may mess with the way it senses the state that the battery is in.
Thanks in advance :).
A resistor would screw up detecting when the battery is full.
There really aren’t any “dumb” li-ion chargers. Its either smart or it will blow up batteries. Lots of dumb ni-mh charger are available since ni-mh don’t “rapidly disassemble” like li-ion. Instead they just slowly kill your ni-mh batteries.
There is just no way around needing a second charger for 10440 & 10250. Those tp4056 usb charger boards are small, compact.
The Adafruit Micro Lipo or LIPOnano are a bit smaller even and both do 100mA or 500mA. Adafruit comes set to 100mA.
Thank you for the clarification. Makes perfect sense.
You also just reminded me that I have a tiny LiPo micro charger PCB somewhere! I must find it
EDIT: And I just found it. It’s one of these: Lithium Polymer USB Charger and Battery - Retail - RTL-09876 - SparkFun Electronics
Oh hey!
Welcome to BLF! :bigsmile:
Just noticed your join date & post count.
Flashlights and the batteries and chargers that power them are like a pandora’s box. I can foresee this forum consuming a lot of my time in future
Yea, it seems quite a few people have fallen for pandora’s box and wound up with large collections of flashlights. Plus a lighter wallet. Anyone who might be low on financial will power should consider running far away.
That sparkfun one seems to come preset to 500mA. Don’t see instructions for switching it. Cut that tiny 500mA bridge & solder the 100mA side.
~ Edit ~
I should correct something I said.
“There really aren’t any ‘dumb’ li-ion chargers.” Thats not true. Unfortunately there are indeed some bad li-ion chargers. I just wouldn’t call them ‘dumb’ so much as dangerous. They are only sold because regulations can’t reach chinese sellers.
Ni-mh dumb chargers are timer based and will just reduce the life of your batteries. Certainly better to get a smart ni-mh charger but its ok to use a dumb one. Even battery manufacturers sell dumb ni-mh chargers.