Ive been reading a lot about chargers and have narrowed it down to:
My main lights now are AAA and AA. When I change out cells I put them in a “to be charged” bin - so the pile has mixed fully drained, partially drained, probably 75% charge left etc…
What charger can I just take 4 cells (AAA or AA) of different drained levels and charge them? So worst case 3 are almost full, 1 is 100% drained? Would that be like charging a single AAA or AA?
I4 says:
Charger should be 4 slot and accept as many different battery types as possible - even though my main use is AAA and AA. Or what are some tips for charging like this?
If you go for a ni-mh / li-ion combination charger then be sure to check HKJ’s test, reviews. Some combination chargers do a poor job charging ni-mh, li-ion or both. Sometimes a separate charger is better.
Soon to own VC2, my subjective opinion would be to go for VC4.
Own none of the mentioned by esrevenge, besides second generation i4, which is crap for NiMh and slow for Li.
Just to update this thread…I was able to find a VC4 at a great price so I went ahead and ordered. I since received it and tested it out —— Great charger really happy with it.
If you can get one for around 19.99USD I think its a great charger for the price.