A few Weeks ago I got my first FL with more than a multiple 5mm LED So now I’m infected.
As I have about 20 18650 Batterys with a good capacity left, I need Lamps for my familiy.
So here is what I need:
-LOW Voltage control (blink at low, cut off at empty)
-Small (No Big Focus adjust or smth like that)
-Medium Brigthness (used for Jogging and walking the dog, stuff like that. Simple) Good Price (Below 20€ 30USD incl Shipping to Germany)
No Low Voltage Warning which is a must have because i dont want to check all 5 FL every 4 Days to see how the cells are. So it would be nice if my family comes up with “this one blinks so charge it”
I’ll go for convoy too
On the fasttech link have a wide range of model, xml emitter and driver.
S2 is a very good model. Go with U2-1B emiter if you want cool white, other one if you want warmer tint (the higher the 2nd number, the warmer it is, T6-4C is very popular, maybe that’s why it’s not available).
For the driver, if you think that the person that will have the flashlight will be able to select themselves the medium mode, go with 2800mA, so they can have high output when they need to. Or if the max output need to be medium, take the 1400mA drivers. 2800mA version will be hot if used too long at max output.
These drivers will blink once per second when voltage is too low.
If it’s for yourself, take the S2 at banggood you can choose XM-L2, which don’t offer fasttech right now.
don’t forget coupon code BLF, I think it’s 5% with fasttech and 8% with banggood.
All the convoys with nanjg driver have built in battery warning and are very decent quality.
In just few days there is Chinese holiday again so this might not be the best time for ordering from china……
Check out this C8 or here
It will impress you far beyond your imagination and is still very pocketable and the price/value ratio is unbeatable.
Batteries from laptop pulls? Which charger do you use?
My 3 favorite Nanjg driven lights with low battery warning as mentioned above
Convoy C8, M2, S4
C8 for throw, can handle heat on high at 2.8A
M2 for a Floody throw can handle heat on high (2.8A)
S4 nice for EDC, gets very hot on high at 2.8A so choose the driver wisely
I’m using an Charger for RC-Batteries and a Modded (selfbuild) Battery-Holder, so i get a few more infos than just “full” or not full. Additionally on first charge i use a temp sensor on all batterys, had one or two which went to 80 degree celsius after a few minutes of charge -> trash bin.
But all in all i got some pretty decent 18650 with between 2000mAh and 3200mAh from the trash
OP is from Germany, IS isn’t recommended supplier for him (her?) because of shipping cost and possible taxes.
Overall - Convoys Sx for more flood and smaller size (S6 appears to be a decent host) or M2 for better balance between throw and flood in a little bit bigger casing. I wouldn’t bother with 2800mA drivers - it’s not only a lot of light and heat but also brighter lower modes. Banggood.com carries them with newer XM-L2 emitters. This one should be more than enough for your needs: http://www.banggood.com/Convoy-S6-7135+6-2Groups-3-Or-5-Modes-LED-Flashlight-p-909814.html
Sipik SK-73 or similar for small zoom. (The 73 itself won’t fit protected cells.) AKOray AK-12 if you want it as small as possible on 18650 and excellent build. It is smaller than an SK68.
I have two of these, purchased with $3 each for modding. Have modded one already with Nanjg driver and XM-L, quite satisfying but the Nanjg driver doesn’t fit too well because it uses retaining ring to lock down the driver, the portruded 7135 chips will interfere with the retaining ring and need some works on this, same issue with the HD2010 I guess.