Closed for now.
If someone is interested in a few 385nm UV LEDs please let me know. I will have a few left over from this project (Did you know this Host?). And if enough people want the LED´s i will buy a few more.
Here is a test from djozz UV led test: '3rd gen.' LG 385nm 3535-size led.
I contacted the seller on aliexpress and he will send me the LEDs bare without the Aluminium PCB. No unsoldering needed.
It has a 35x35 foodprint so copper DTP boards are the way to go if you want to push the LEDs a bit further.
At the moment the price is at 1,25/LED + shipping (worldwide shipping = 1,50€). But i am trying to get a better price without the Aluminium PCBs.
If we take 20 LEDs the price goes down to ~1,05-1,10/ bare LED.
I have to check how much shipping from Germany costs. But if it is too pricey Djozz agreed to be the one who sends out the LEDs. So the max shipping costs are 1,50€ worldwide.
Thats the list for now:
TheOnlyDocc - 6 paid, shipping info: OK
djozz - 3 paid,
DavidEF - 4 paid, shipping info: OK
amplificus - 6 paid, shipping info: OK
gisewhcs - 6 paid, shipping info: OK
alpg88 - 15 paid, shipping info: OK
40 LEDs total
Last Update: Leds are on the way to djozz and the Final Price is:
(1€/Led ~ 1,20:money_mouth_face: + (1,50€ ~1.80:money_mouth_face: added for bubble mailer plus shipping
If you have paid please send me your shipping information so i can make a list for djozz.
I did not have the time to check at the post office to get the price for sending items to the US but on monday i have to go to the post office and then i can ask for the cheapest option… But djozz told me shipping from NL is one stamp of 1.25 euro worldwide plus a 25 cents envelope. So if sending from Germany is more than that he will send the LED to you. So shipping will be max 1,50€.
And here a light that djozz modded with 3 UV leds. I ordered the light only for the reflector.
No worries, I’m in no hurry. I was interested in building a UV light at some point, I didn’t even research which LED’s are available. If it’s too much hassle getting them out here i can try to source some.
I am waiting with the order untill next week. So it is open but i have to order in 10led steps. I need 6 i think djozz will take a few and then your orders. If we get to order 20 leds the price will be a few cents cheaper.
I think you might as well count me in for at least one, but up to four total, depending how you land with the tens for ordering. In other words, I’m flexible, so you can squeeze me in however it works out for your order quantity.
Everyone that is interested please let me know how much leds you are interested in till 09.06. So i can see how much i have to order. Or if i can try to get a better price if we get to 30 leds.
I also am trying to make a good UV light i have a cree board that supposed to have a Nichia led and just received a lite on from Neven but it doesn’t have the output I was hoping.I would take 3 as well. let me know how to get you paid. thanks Dave
Last call!
Tomorrow i want to order the LED´s. Everyone that want on the list may speak up. @David Krienke
You send me a PM and i answered. Are you now searching for 365nm LEDs or do you still want the 385nm ones?
If no big changes occur i will order 2 lots=20LEDs.