Cheap food on the road

Just wanted to share a good deal recently at Walmart.
Got potato wedges, nice size bag for only $ .97
They are considered a side at the deli counter and they do not weigh them. Sure, you want them when they first come out but they rock for that kind of low money at any temp. Also had jalepeno poppers, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and a few other things in the sides menu.
Beats the crap of Mcdorkels or other slime joints.
Yeah you have to get out of your car, but you need the exercise anyway :slight_smile:

Anyone else have good low buck deals to share?

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On the road, it’s a bit harder to get not just cheap food, but also healthy food. Honestly, been pretty happy with some of the premade Trader Joe’s stuff. It’s a nice change of pace from what’s readily available at most places, though i do have a soft spot for the faux McRib sandwiches available at gas stations.

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I really like cheap disgusting food but my wife always bullies me into going to a place where we can get “something decent to eat”.
Don’t know what I ever saw in that woman.

Thanks Muto. Good timing. This week I have been thinking about potato wedges that my father used to bring home from his road trips. He got them at a small supermarket in a tiny little town. Haven’t had any in years. Will need to try them.

McDevil’s and Murder King still have the pink slime? :face_vomiting:

Cheap food on the road? Deer, raccoon, opossum - just try to get the fresh stuff if possible.

I won’t start a road trip without a gas station chili dog.

Those sound pretty good.

Ages ago, the 7-11 I had by this shop I’d hang around at would have these tubular things, tacoritos or something, that were pretty tasty. Might’ve been late-night “buy 'em cheap so we don’t have to throw 'em out” dealies, but they were N for a buk, forgot what value N was, but they were very well worth it.

Baby cut carrots, washed and ready to eat. $1.00 / 1 lb. bag.

I’ll usually eat cheap for many of my “alone” meals, and spend the extra budget on nice restaurants/bars with friends/family when traveling.

On the road, I’ll keep a cooler with drinks (including water) with some veggies or fruits to snack on. I also take a container of mixed nuts that I don’t have to keep cool. I keep a couple cans of low sodium black beans if I’m hungry but am only planning on stopping at a rest stop for food (high fiber meals keep away hunger pains).

My last road trip I knew I would have a microwave and fridge in the hotel room so I also brought a microwave rice steamer (actually cooked veggies in it), a microwaveable plate, fork/knife/spoon and picked up the food from a local Walmart/grocery (fish, chicken, etc.). Side note, if you purchase gallon containers of water for a road trip make sure it’s in a spot where it can’t tip as after opening it won’t hold it’s water if it rolls on it’s side.

I supplemented my last big road trip with $1 menu items from McD’s for lunch. Now (2023) I’m preferring the $1 “cheesy bean and rice burrito” at Taco Bell. Two of them and I’m really full. Props to their $1 potato soft taco option… tastes great but doesn’t really fill you up.

Some grocery stores have decent deli options. At my local big chain grocery store I can pick up a very large roast beef sandwich and an entire bag of barbecue potato chips for half the price of the Jimmy John’s normal #2 combo… and that’s 2-3 times the amount (can spread over two to three meals).

I’ll add that some gas station chains (more popular in certain states) specialize in their grab’n’go foods for a fair price. Not as cheap as the grocery store/WMt option but definitely competitive with the fast food chains for quality and value.

I guess I should also mention Costco and Sam’s Clubs $1.50 large hot dog and pop combo. Load up on the condiments. I haven’t tried their pizza or bread sticks though, and you’ll also need a membership to get in.

If you’ve got water in the typische paper-thin 1gal jugs, get a coupla 2L bottles of seltzer (no residual stank like from regular sody-pop) and after drinking the seltzer, fill those bottles with the water. Then literally rinse’n’repeat.

Nice tight caps that don’t pop off, and thicker plastic that doesn’t get punctured by wet cardboard.

As for beans, they’re pricier but look into B&M. Think they’re actual 16oz cans vs 12oz or less, and they’re reeeeeeally nice. The Bacon’n’Onion is fantastic, and I just had Maple Bacon like 15min ago which is also really good. Got some Honey Sweet and regular Boston Baked which I haven’t tried yet.

Boil then slice up some Oscar Dogs (got some seasoning which is pretty good; see the hotdogs thread), and drop the slices into the beans and heat up everything. It’s goooooood eatin’.

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I like to snack on jerky when on a road trip. Can anyone recommend a good one that doesn’t break the bank? Most are about $20/ lb. or more.

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I don’t get beef jerky very often, but when I do, I get this:
(I like peppered beef jerky, and this one is good enough for me.) :+1:

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Make sure it’s really dead first

I can’t remember the brand but I actually like the beef jerky at Cabela’s. I don’t know if they raised the prices recently though.

The only brand I even recall is… I was gonna say Tom Lenk but that’s the creepy guy from “Buffy”. Something along those lines, though.

Had some good flavors but I was never a fan of getting beef-splinters wedged between my teeth.

I don’t travel much but jerky is where I’ll lean if I’m in unfamiliar territory. Add some local fruit and I’m good to go :poop:
though I’ll eat most any roller food if I’m hungry.

This stuff is ridiculously good.

Utz Pub Mix 42 oz. Barrels 2 Pack – Utz Quality Foods (

A Speedway gas station soybean cheeseburger nuked with a single mustard packet, chocolate milk and a bag of Fritos .
It takes me back to those burgers in a plastic big under a heat lamp in grade school . You’d open the bag and always wonder why you get a wet hot condensation burger . But that sweet ,salty , hot beef like textured protein combination gave you that extra boost needed to go organize a gang and take control over the playground .

They probably shouldn’t have made us read this book .
Do know how hard it is to get a switchblade as a 12 year old ?
These kids these days have it too easy … Etsy, eBay , Amazon …. Back in my day….

Corn pop was a bad dude

Yes mandatory reading in 5th grade here in the states.