This one is $7.39 at SZWholesale but also out of stock.
This one is $9.99 at Exduct but I don’t like the design on the handle (cat in a fireball?).
Also there is this one like the Exduct one at FastTech for $8.31 but it has the handle I don’t like.
The cheapest ones like the handles in the first 2 pictures that I can find on eBay are $33 including delivery from Germany.
Does anyone else know where there might be some cheap ones? I don’t know many knife websites and most of the cheap websites I dont know don’t have them either.
I want to buy 2-4 of them, 1 to keep and 1 or more to give away.
The SRM 710 and it’s varieties seems to have crept up in price, I have to admit that I don’t own any but can see the appeal.
I have an alternative in the SRM 704, small, almost no design but I keep coming back to it, as a functional “no frills” knife it excels.
So good I’ve bought 2.
Here’s a link to ebay with a few SRM options. Happy hunting!
Yes the clip on the 704 is reversible for tip up/tip down carry but only on the one side.
There’s only one thumb stud and although it’s held on with a T6 Torx (all T6 except T8 pivot) it’s countersunk so not a straight swap.
There’s no lanyard hole but I do what I do to any folder without a lanyard hole, tie one tightly round the last stand-off post, works with just about all folders and adds a bit more grip area.
Try one, you’ll like it. It’s more a “Gentleman’s folder” small enough to fit the pocket, large enough for most household cutting jobs.
It’s one of those that photos don’t see the whole picture, the proportions are just right and although it looks “boxy” all the G10 edges are rounded and the blade, when opened locks with a definite snick, solid, no play.
An inch shorter than the 704 but it has a well placed finger choil so you can get a four finger grip. There’s also a lanyard hole so a lanyard can give a bit more room as well. The pocket clip is one place only, T6 pillars, T8 pivot as usual. 2”blade 3” folded so a small knife but with SanRenMu’s usual high quality and standards. $5.13 From FastTech
I own the GR5-605 as well (and 604 but the 605 is better), I use it occasionally at work and it feels a lot bigger than it looks. It fits my hand better than the EM-01 I gave away even though its a lot smaller.
From what I can figure the original 710 is discontinued and the 2013 model has replaced it, the only people selling the original 710 want a fortune for it compared to some places that have it listed for $6-8 but out of stock.
I might start chasing up the 704 prices now then, 3 hours of googling for 710s was tiring.
Also check out the Sanrenmu 723. It’s a great EDC knife which gets very little attention for some reason. I bought the Enlan version of the same knife and its spectacular.
It’s has such great fit and finish that it makes you think it’s a $75 knife. I don’t actually own a Sanrenmu version just the Enlan 723 but I can’t imagine the SRM being any nicer than the Enlan.
I would suggest the SRM 763 as an excellent alternative. They were a little more pricey to begin with, but IMO find it more functional than the 710. It’s lightweight, tip up carry, left/right reversible clip, sits low in the pocket, slices well, and the axis lock is excellent.