Thats the closest and they ask 18.45$ for shipping from their European warehouse and 29.79$ for shipping from their international warehouse.
the item is worth about 22-24 EUR including shipping.
HK has them for 13-19,- EUR on sale plus shipping. so anything above that is either not worth it (they are all clones anyway) OR you could spend a tiny bit more and get a reflowing station (or a soldering station that also has the reflowing function).
Hobby King:
I live in Florida and ordered from their Arkansas warehouse for $17.03 (linger on their page a while to get this discount):
Description Quantity Unit Price
Soldering Station with Adjustable Heat Range with US Plug (AR Warehouse) 1 US$17.03 IN STOCK
Shipment SmartAR Fedex (Zone 5) US$10.93
Taxes US$0.00
Total US$27.96
Being used to ordering stuff from China with Free Shipping, I at first thought that the shipping was too high - Until I received the item, that is… Box measured 19”x11”x6” and weighed 4.3lbs. - It would seem that this is the actual shipping cost to them.
Everything appears to be in perfect condition - Haven’t even plugged it in yet, as I am a modding newbie, and the solder that I ordered from eBay will not arrive until Monday.
Then it will be just “practice” soldering, playing on old printed boards, etc. - After this I will order some LEDs on Noctigons, and some drivers from RMM (of course) - That’s when the ‘fun’ begins.
What else can you guys suggest that I get that would help me get started?
Wish me luck, cuz this old man is really gonna need it!
The hakko clone also comes in (at least) two variants, a 45W and 60W one. Those were the two I have found, maybe there are even more?
Also pushed the button and got myself a Hakko clone. The tip of my old “steam”iron is bigger than some of the drivers I want to work on, and it takes eons to heat up. When RMM says that it is a good soldering iron, who am I to doubt it.
So I went to Radio Control Planes, Drones, Cars, FPV, Quadcopters and more - Hobbyking
After some time they made me a once-in-a-lifetime offer and reduced the price to EURO 16.50 and I took the bait.
Now I am waiting for my 936 Hakko clone for which I payed EURO 16.65 plus EURO 5.89 shipping cost.
well, you got your personal HK warehouse in your own country 8) how cool is that!
Not so great review of the hobbyking soldering station.
A review clearly done by a wanna be comic. - Sorta like a ‘tint snob’ (me), only playing with solder. - For many, ‘tint’ doesn’t really matter, so maybe his review doesn’t really matter to me?
Just because something inside looks ‘old or dirty’ - Hey!… I resemble that!
I ordered mine after watching his review.
Call me stupid if you would like, but RMM likes it too!
I really think that Richard knows what he is talking about, in a real world situation.
there will always be negative or neutral reviews about products if you search long enough. fact is, for 16-19 $ the 936 hakko clone is the best you can probably get. It really is amazing.
Lol. I agree that even though the annoying voice did put me off, the actual negatives were 1) the soldered on ground and 2) the fact that you have to raise the temperature a little higher than higher end irons to achieve the same effect.
Otherwise, could a ’ voltage dimmer’ be used to vary the output from a 24V source? Would it matter to a heating element, ac or dc voltage?
He also shows that genuine hakko tips are a pretty tight fit. Needed to force it down onto the ceramic heater.
Poor soldering inside, rust on some components, what appears to be recycled / 2nd hand chips. Still, it works. But since the soldering inside is poor, anyone buying one needs to open it up before plugging it in to check that the ground is attached and that there are no random solder blob shorts.
What an irritating reviewer, I couldn’t watch it all.
haha - the EEVblog dude usually gets a mixed response. Some people don’t like him, some love his way of doing things!
I think it might be his voice, he is a very popular vlogger and knowledgeable though. His Aussie accent might be putting some of his viewers off? I have no problem understanding him at all.
tech, it’s not the accent, it’s his frequency and the manner in which he speaks. Additionally, he had a lot of emotional dislike for the soldering station and that irritated me in particular.
“It’s got that cheap chinese smell” It was doomed before it even got out of the box, hardly impartial,
well, to be open - I am a subscriber to his blog and a fan. I normally frequent the forums and not his YT channel.
I guess Dave has a lot of high-quality equipment that he can’t be bothered with a Hakko clone
But I disagree on the soldering station- I double-checked everything on my clone and it is perfectly fine
Love my aoyue soldering station with the heat gun. You will not regret it
there is so much for so many different prices.
In Dutch there is a saying, “you can’t see the forrest anymore because of all of the trees”
So please help me out.
After looking and staring I found this that is a tad more expensive then just an iron.
It has the advantage of an included stand for the iron and a heatgun so de-doming should be easy.
What we need however is a soldering iron that works, place to put it in when warm and posibility to replace key-parts in the future.
After doing some research into the soldering station’s a few week’s ago you soon realise they’re all very much the same with just small differences.
The cheaper one’s tend to have the internal circuit board’s soldered by hand and may not look nice but they appear to work fine, they can have the mains switch on the side and not the front, no easily accessible mains fuse if any at all, internal earth wires soldered instead of using crimp connectors, no rubber feet, pvc cable instead of a silicone one which is more flexible. But they still work very well indeed with no problem’s.
The soldering irons and the hot air blowers look the same, I’ve seen the heating element’s for both for sale and are they’re easy to find. The soldering bit’s you can buy everywhere, good quality Hakko, Plato and then you can buy generic bit’s from eBay and Aliexpress but it’s not so easy knowing what the quality will be like.
I know when looking for a soldering station that some people preferred to have one with a dial to turn to increase the temperature instead of pressing button’s, I can see the advantage but I haven’t tried a digital one.
There’s quite a few video’s on YouTube.
I purchased an Aouye soldering station which was more expensive but plenty of people buy the Yihua which I think is the cheapest and are happy with that too.
A very good post, and I think a fair assessment.
Thank you,