I have been researching solder stations for a few days now and I want some suggestions. Some of the main ones I see are the Weller WES51 ($95), the Hakko FX888D ($95), and a Hakko clone (~$27). What is everyone running here? I saw a few threads but they were a couple years old and wanted some up to date info if possible.
Same as this one
http://smile.amazon.com/Soldering-Station-Features-Continuously-Variable/dp/B0029N70WM/ref=sr_1_17?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1436981554&sr=1-17&keywords=solder+station&pebp=1436981571731&perid=0RP5K14SG9H8MYY50SYB but it's price is higher.
There's better units, but for $18, it's a good unit. Stahl tools SSVT, but goes under a bunch of names for the same unit.
I can say from personal experience that the Hobbyking Hakko 936 clone is a great beginner station. I have hundreds of hours on my copies and they have been great.
Thanks for that RMM. I value your opinion so I may just have to pull the trigger on that unit. The price is definitely right.
Got two of those, they work great. Tips and new irons are dirt cheap, results are good, nothing more to ask for.
What tips are recommended? I just bought two of those units for $45 USD shipped. hehe
They take genuine Hakko T18 tips, which are my preference, but you can also buy the cheap Chinese T18 multi-packs. The multi-packs are a good way to figure out which tip types you like, and are a great value if you aren't planning on using them all day every day.
I have the hakko clone from hobby king as well and think it’s great. Definitely get an assortment of tips. The right tip goes a long ways to making things easier.
I have used one of these stations for about 7 years. 60 WATT SOLDERING STATION | Circuit Specialists It is a Hakko 936 clone, and accepts Hakko tips. When coupled with the tip cleaner Soldering Iron Tip Cleaner with Stand | Circuit Specialists is a good budget friendly setup. I put a LOT of hours on my station, and it is still going strong.
After 4 years I had to replace the wand, because the replacement ceramic heater had wires that absolutely would not take solder. I got my station when it was $24, but would still consider it a deal at $32.95. They also have a 70W for lead free solder. 70 Watt Lead Free Solder Station CSI2901 from Circuit Specialists
Just an update on the units I bought. I have only used one but it is leaps and bounds better than what I’m used to. My only complaint is the metal nut that holds the connection for the handle does not thread on…but the friction of the connection holds the handle fine.
Hi guys,
I just got an Hakko 936 clone and i want to get some tips for it, but i have no idea what i need or want…… :~
Please help me out with some tips
I found these assortments of tips cheaply on ebay, what would you recommend i get.
Or any other free shipping seller who have better tips?
I got mine off of aliexpress, example:
those went for 0.49c on 11/11. have also seen pack of 10 tips go for 4.99$
the ones I have received are good!
My favorite tips for SMT flashlight and converter work are the 900M-T-I and 900M-T-IS. If you do through-hole component work, you will want a more blunt tip.
If you sit on Hobbyking’s site on the page for their 936 clone, a window will pop up to offer a discount to drop the price to $17.03.

I got mine off of aliexpress, example:
Page Not Found - Aliexpress.comthose went for 0.49c on 11/11. have also seen pack of 10 tips go for 4.99$
the ones I have received are good!
Thanks those are cheap.
EDIT I still very confused by all these different tips to chose from, is there any seller that sells the individual tips cheaply like the above link, and what kind of tip do i want/need for flashlight work?
Here is a seller who sells individual tips in the same listing.
I think i am starting to get this now, the “1C” is a smaller version of the “I” and the “IC” is a bent version of the “I”.
I’ve recently ordered this combo and love it. I’ve completed several builds and haven’t had any issues thus far.
I don’t know if this is good, but I attach an alligator clip to a scrap board (2x4-ish) with a cheap pair ($3-4) of vise grip pliers from Harbor Freight.
I got the ones with the more regular plier type jaws, as opposed to the long, skinny, vise grip ones, but probably either would work.
Sorry, Just read the above, I thought you meant a place to hold the components.
I wish I had the solder station I used back in the mid 80s - it was a weller and combined a temperature controlled soldering iron and foot-pedal controlled de-soldering tool and rotary tool. It had digital readout for the temperature.
Happy to see this thread
I’ve tried like 6 times just now to buy the 936 soldering station from hobbyking and the foolish system keeps saying i need to put in a numerical area code. Grrr! (shipping is to a US address). Any suggestions? Amazon’s prices are almost double.