cheapest SST-90 Light?

see the special offer here

89.9$ DHL to USA(only)

This one is cheaper for other countries.

no one?

Don’t be sad Rey, I just bought one today :slight_smile:

Rey, a bunch of people already bought them.

“Zero Profit:Trustfire X6 high power ”

Yeah, right, hehehehe!

a few dollars more but compact C8 with sst-90 here

An SST-90 wouldn’t be very practical in a C8 body for several reasons.

  • The body has pitiful heatsinking
  • It only takes one cell - crap runtimes and available power to the LED (unless IMR, but then even less run time)
  • Small head diameter which means it’s all flood, especially for the SST-90 (a 9x9mm die)

“Working Current:450 - 600mA
Operate Voltage:3.7v - 4.2v”
This particular one runs off 1 battery and runs the SST-90 at 0.6 amps. An SST-90 is extremely inefficient at low currents compared to an XML or XP-G/E.

Nobody should buy this C8 SST-90 unless they like wasting money.

EDIT: Sorry thomasdeurne I didn’t mean to shut you down like that, but this really is a terrible light.

No offence, you are right, it’s not a good body for an sst90