Clarifying my mental health

My mental health has been extremely stable since late 1995.

That's over twenty-six continuous years.

I have not been a danger to myself or others except for a time in 1995 when I had a nervous breakdown and I did not get any sleep (except perhaps microsleep) for over three months.

During that time, I did not harm myself or others.

In my entire life, I have never harmed myself, and I have only harmed others in self defense (in minor fistfights.)

So, there's no need to bring up my mental health anywhere on BLF if I don't bring it up.

In fact, it's probably extremely inappropriate to bring it up unless I bring it up.

I don't see any stigma in being mentally ill, but I know that others do, and they cannot help it.

Thank you for understanding.

1 Thank

Thank you for the clarification and glad you’re fine! I remembered a situation where you’ve mentioned the influence of medication a few weeks ago and your recent request felt somehow concerning to me.

Thanks for your concern.

Even when I had the medication problem, my mental health was still extremely stable.

You have brought up a variety pack (my words) of your mental health issues here many times. You may not view some of the things you have said as mental health issues but that’s not the way they read. And you have said that you do not drive. I don’t know if there was an explanation as to why or if you have ever driven. Your responses to some of my posts and many others over the years leave me shaking my head many times. I’m not trying to attack you or pile on I’m just saying what many others are thinking.

I don't drive because I hate driving, and I have explained this before on BLF in detail when I stated that I don't drive.

Me not driving has nothing to do with my mental health.

Have you heard of Room 101 in the book 1984?

Well, in Room 101 is your worst nightmare.

Think of the worst horror movie you have ever seen or heard about.

That's what's in Room 101.

If I am taken to Room 101, I will be forced to drive a car.

The things that I have posted on BLF are not mental health issues unless I have explicitly stated them as such, and to suggest otherwise is just being ignorant.

Oli, many of your responses to my posts have been atrocious in the past.

You have taken my words out of context repeatedly and posted some of the stupidest things I have ever read.

I'm not trying to attack you--I'm just saying what myself and many others are thinking.

Honestly, your mental health problems are way worse than mine (which are quite minor) based on your posts.

You frequently claim to know for a fact what happened or what is happening when in reality you don't have clue.

In the long run, it just makes you look foolish when you do that.

Instead of criticizing me, you should get help for yourself before it's too late.

I have a friend from high school that didn't get the mental health help that he needed, and his brain has deteriorated immensely.

As of several years ago, he could barely communicate because he didn't get help.

The same could happen to you, and no normal human being deserves that.

I’m not mentally ill either. Just wanted to get that out there. :slight_smile:

Folks, this is the ‘declare your sanity’ thread! Can you say it, too? :partying_face:

Well, I am mentally ill, but I take my meds and I am extremely stable and I have been so for decades.

So, in USA mentally ill can buy guns? That explains a lot.

Yes, my mental illness is very mild, so that won't be stopping me from legally buying a handgun.

But mental illness stigma is usually much worse than mental illness that's treated.

Neither am I! (My wife doesn’t necessarily share this opinion…)

Long live America!

Mental illness stigma is usually much worse than mental illness that's treated.

A lot of people don't seek treatment because of mental illness stigma.

You can joke about it all you want, but it's a serious problem.

There’s a part in the gun application that asks if the condition makes it unsafe to handle firearms.

I am an angry person by nature. Doesn’t make me unsafe to handle firearms. If I was medicated for my anger issues then it would be a problem

Also, denying someone the right to defend themselves because they have very mild mental illness is just wrong.

Any country that does that has a serious mental illness stigma problem.

Back in 1940's Germany, a group of people wanted to eradicate everyone that is mentally ill.

That's probably one of the worst mental illness stigma problems there is.

My mental illness is very mild, and is not a problem.

I am not a danger to myself or others.

Have you been reading this thread?

I'm not downplaying anything.

sp5it is making inappropriate jokes, obviously.

Once again, I have to ask, have you been reading this thread?

You're conjuring a problem where there is none.

Are you just obtuse?

i read your other thread which was closed.
if you want my advice, please PM me.


I still have to do more research, but I might hit you up for some advice later.

raccoon city, I am glad & happy for you that things are going well now.

BUT we only know what you yourself have told us for some time in numerous posts on numerous threads. The latest when you aluded to thinking you probably had Asperger’s Syndrome.

There is NO WAY we would know any of this had you not told us.
That IS NOT cutting you down in any way, it is simply a fact.
There is no stigma attached to what you told us as far as I am concerned. My hat is off to you & congratulations for overcoming!!! :beer:

BUT it does raise concerns.

Reread some of the things you wrote in that gun thread. Many (not all) are ridiculous & raise red flags.

According to what you said, you have not fired a gun since before age 18. That is about 27 years ago. Yet you talk about being a “natural” and pretty much said you would need no training or practice.

That statement in itself is totally ludicrous.

Have you ever been in a gun fight with people shooting back at you trying to kill you??
IF you have not, I can tell you all that “natural” ability will fail you. What you have trained for, over & over, & over, creating muscle & mental memory will stick with you.

So yeah, reading some of the things you wrote in the gun thread were concerning.

I see no reason for you to be surprised at that.

SB needs to shut this down as well. I think BLFrs have had one too many drinks this holiday weekend and are saying what they think and not what they mean.

I think we should all walk away from this discussion and continue to talk about lights, LEDs, and batteries.

If I have to clarify my mental health, in a public forum, then….