CLOSED 1000 post give away of Buwuve - winner is announced

love the options.thanks!

Very nice give away. So many options

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…I’m in.

thats nice,i am in.

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm in!

You can actually double that current if the xp-g2 is mounted on copper (like sinkpad). The little sucker screams, but seems to be fine - at least so far. 8^)

Count me in please! Thanks!

I’m in! Thanks!

Thank you Buwuve!! Great giveaway :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice choice of products from FastTech!!

I would like to have a chance!!

…and a happy Easter to you and all :slight_smile:

Count Flomotion here, a distant cousin of Baron Von Frankenstein…

Count me in please, and I think 4bI would be my choice

Congratulations on your 1000th posts. Nice giveaway with lots of options! I'm in for the 4b IV package (with driver 8x7135 + 2 extra 7135's on top , 'just add 1 Sinkpad')

IN. Thanks Buwuve.

Thanks so much for continuing the BLF tradition and to everyone else who does so :)

Also keep up the good spirits in the FT thread


my ticket number is #53 unless someone quotes me. hehe.

Me: IN!!!


I'm in! Thx.

Real nice of you Buwuve! Count me in. :slight_smile: Thanks.

Thanks for the giveaway.

If I win I’ll take 4-b-III


Count me in! :wink:

Count me in! Thanks for the giveaway

Bitte nimm mich mit rein in’s “give away”!
Vielen Dank!
boa, mir fällt beim besten Willen keine vernünftige deutsche Übersetzung für “give away” ein!
—>I just noticed that I cannot think of an appropriate german word for “give away”…