From the Merriam Webster dictionary - online:
adjective hand·made \ˈhan(d)-ˈmād\
: made with the hands or by using hand tools
Full Definition of HANDMADE
: made by hand or by a hand process
So, the original thought, when I started this 3 years ago, was to have a hand made contest. Using only hand tools. It did not take long to discover that the enthusiasm for hand made has gone with the Dodo bird. Many love to watch someone do something hand made, but very few want to try it themselves.
As a result of this, the contest evolved, because if it did not, there would have been no contest, since not enough members would even try.
The contest evolved into using a rotary tool, then a drill press and now into even more powered tools.
Is that right? If you want to stick strictly to a loosely defined definition that started in the 1600's, then it is not right. If you want to adopt the word into the 21st. century, then it becomes a gray area, as it has this year.
It does not matter what I think, since I gave it up, but there should most likely be 3 categories:
Hand Made - using the hands or hand tools only
Home Made - using the hands, hand tools and small, manually operated power tools designed for the home handy man. Power tools that need to have a person operate them and tools that do not run in an automatic mode, such as lathes or end mills.
Machine Made - using anything available to individuals or machine shops. Any hand, manual, or automatic machine or combination thereof.
That still leaves gray areas for some people. So be it. Let the judges decide. That's what judges are for. If they think a person stepped into the machine made area, then judge them with the other machine made contestants. The judges should make those decisions, not the contestants.