Comparing this to the BLF SRK FET driver, it should be safe to bridge any of R10-R13.
I suspect that the missing inductor, diode D4, and 6-pin IC are for a boost converter to drive the LEDs in series. However, the inductor and D4 can be added just like the BLF SRK FET driver to give lower low modes. It seems to me there is potential to use this board along with a Nanjg 105C to get similar functionality and also allow for using one 7135 on the Nanjg for more efficient moonlight mode.
That’s just your typical cheap direct drive FET driver. Nothing special there. The blank pads are because they probably use the same driver PCB for a lot of different light. An inductor could get you a lower low, but I don’t think it’s worth the effort.
All you would need to do with that is bridge the input resistors and piggyback a 105C to control the FET to get the better firmware and modes. Basically, do the same thing as Comfychair was doing a year ago.
The FET is probably pretty crappy, but if you only want 9A it might be what you want anyways. I want 15A+ out of my lights, so those ones have to go.