(CLOSED) GIVEAWAY:Courtesy of Lumintop, 2pcs BLF SD10

Facebook participation required?

I think that is tacky.

liked long ago… :wink:

In today


FBI page liked and I’m in!

Liked. I'm in!

Liked FB page and I’m in, thanks.

Facebook page liked. 8)

I’m not either but its his choice to do it. Its our choice not to be on face book.

Facebook page is liked too.

i am in ,thanks.

I am IN !!!


I’m in… and liked…

and hope to win because I love this light and due to my economical situation I can not afford it….

Just clicked the Like button, now I’m in :party:

I only mentioned that it was tacky.

liked - in - thanks!

Im in :slight_smile:


Liked and I’m in

Count me in please

I’m in