CLOSED: Group buy: MT-G2 Order Thread (Price Updated!)

Hey no problem at all. It was only a dollar more to ship to Canada so i know for the future.

Sounds like everyone got theirs then, what to do a group buy for next?

I know there are a couple of custom driver project going on, but I think we should be more pro-active on that front, so before group buys we do a group development project. I know there are group contributions efforts that occur on the web in other areas of interest, and maybe we should try something along those lines. I think we'll have more and faster success that way.

Ok, it will work like this: put forth a spec on a driver (we all agree with - may not be easy here...). Everyone involved puts in $$$ into the pool for R&D and testing of a prototype run -- this is important: we actually pay someone for their efforts and costs, paying as a group, evenly divided. If the protos turn out well and what we wanted, we contract it out for manufacturing, qty to be determined. The paying participants get to decide at this point - buy the inventory at cost to keep or re-sell or both?

Just an idea...

In addition to our (apparently languishing) efforts to get a custom driver from one of our light suppliers, there is another project on the go that I cannot say much about yet. It’s too early, and it is someone elses project. More to come soon.
Sorry to derail the thread, although I think its purpose has been accomplished, great GB!

rufusbduck and scaru have done a ton of experiments (the duck especially) using Nanjg drivers at higher input voltages and it seems to work give or take a few simple to complicated fudges. Rufus’ mod using a 7805 (?) chip to convert the input voltage into something that the MCU could take would probably be the most robust option, if a touch fiddly. I’m really interesting in seeing what happens on the driver front, as a couple of these would make an excellent mtb bar light, but the extra cost over XM-Ls would have to be swallowed by passing on a Taskled driver.

With $60 for LEDs, ~7000 lumens, $40 for a driver isn't going to blow the budget as that ship sailed long ago. :D

If we could get one custom driver to handle both the MT-G2 and the single cell XM-L2 issues, that would be fantastic!!!

Of course there would probaby be variations, size/capability trade-off's, etc. (ex: multi-cell vs. compact 1 cell), so may be 2-3 drivers, but cool if they were all based on the same design, same PIC, programmable preferred...

true, but when you also need to spend ~$40 on batteries, explaining another $40 for a driver to the CFO isn’t trivial. In a world where money falls from the skies I’d agree completely, sadly where I live it’s mostly rain, sleet or snow :slight_smile:

I know it has blinkie modes, but the Manafont “3T6” driver is only $5-6. It does has memory and is easy to resistor mod.

Hey there please let me know when you plan to order more I’d like two.

No need any longer, Hank/IOS ships free & reasonably fast. At the time this was done the only source was Cutter in AU which has nearly punitive shipping charges for small orders.

MT-G2 at IntlOutdoor

Yeah, but Cutter has some Hi-CRI MT-G2. I want one real bad.

The 90 min CRI MGT2 sounds interesting to me too.

If there's an LED that puts out prettier light than the one we got in this GB, I don't wanna ever see it.