*CLOSED* NIMH AA/AAA Charger recommendation

Ouch. That one is pricey!! Out of my budget. The most I can go is $30 I think and the “Best Charger BM110 Intelligent Digital Battery Charger” posted by Kloppolz seems a good candidate so far.

Accucell iq328 manual

Short video

If you would use different modes or currents for each channel, it’s a bit different to set since the charger has no “Slot” button for all slots (like the BC-700) or one “Slot” button (like BM200/BT-C2000) for all slots. Insert first cell, change settings, insert second and so on.

I wouldn’t charge 4 with max. current because between the cells isn’t much room for airflow.

Read the review of HKJ on nitecore i2. Not really sold on it…

Was checking maha charger and some of these seem to be in my price range

Any ideas where to buy them and that they ship to Mauritius? I don’t see reviews of them :slight_smile:

Had some emails exchanged with an ebay seller and it appears I can get a MAHA MH-C204F for $28 shipped. Is it the same as MH-C204FA?

EDIT: Just read some information on CPf. Bad stuff. Scrap that :slight_smile:


La Crosse Technology BC-700 for $51 shipped. Expensive? What would be a good deal for this?

Hi Mountain King,

since you are not in the EU, you can get the charger from NKON in the Netherlands, w/o paying the VAT.

Technoline BC-700 for 19.80€ (~27.80:money_mouth_face: plus shipping

The “original” LaCross ist 21.90€.
Another re-brand? (PS-NC1000), but with max 1.000mAh current, for 15€ (~21:money_mouth_face:. The charger is currently out of stock. Just ask them about, they’ll respond quickly.

Shipping is 5.80€ (~8:money_mouth_face:.

Wow thanks man!! Is the technoline the real Lacross BC-700? Contacting them atm.

edit: So its all boiling down to the La Cross or the technoline charger. Hopefully, I’ll finalise by today night!

Hey man if you're looking for AA/AAA NiMH charger with display, with no LiIon support like Nietcore i4, and you want to save a few bucks on BC700, then ask them (NKON) about the price of

Power-Stations PS-NC1000 charger

Charging mode: 200/500/700/1000mA

Discharging mode: 100/250/350/500mA

It's a brand-new product and you could get it for dead cheap from them.

Have a look at the instructions manual:


Thanks pipifax. I prefer to go with tried and tested :slight_smile: New stuffs might come with unexpected bugs. You never know! Just need to confirm if the technoline and lacross are the same thing. My initial googling seem to point in that direction :slight_smile:

Im waiting for some final advice from forum members before I pull the trigger on the Technoline BC-700.


I don’t know about the technoline but the lacrosse will come on sale from amazon for $30 eventually, thats where and how much i paid for mine, but it could take up to six months or so (i waited 4 months)

Not that I’m that lazy … have a look into the reviews.

google translate

If you are still concerned … take that LaCrosse for ~2.50$ more.

OT - Nice (new) charger BT-C2500; looks similar to SkyRC NC2500

:open_mouth: woooooooooooow. But much more expensive!

MountainKing the BC700 gets hot charger and cells have you read the amazon customer reviews if you don't mind okay then

Closed. I finally went for the technoline. I’m really in need of a charger and I cannot afford to wait more to either get a better deal or save to get a better charger. Thanks everyone for their input.

On a side note, my cheap $5 charger did not die on me actually (after 2 years day in day out use). The multi plug adapter which I was using kind of short circuited it - something which I came to know after.

let us know how you like the hot cells! :slight_smile:

Heh I’ll probably be charging them at 500MAH and that’s about it :slight_smile:

Have that charger, cells don't get hot!

Mine is the Voltcraft l1pc or something.. aka bc700.

Yay! Sounds good. User experience from users here mean much more to me than amazon user reviews!

The earlier versions had the issue with “hot” cells.
The cells getting a bit warmer due the compact construction (same for the BM110).
If you refresh or dis-charge / charge the cells, the charger heats up more, there is no real airflow.
A small fan or even a heatsink / cooler works well.