I had purchased some lights from Ric previously, and some lights came, some faulty, and some yet to deliver. End result is, Ric promised me a Balder TD-0 and also to deliver DQG Ti VII which I had paid for right after 10 days.
After weeks, no response. I sent 3 reminders to Ric and still no response. Today, I tried sending to both Ric’s email and CNQ general email contact and got a message that they blocked my email as SPAM!
I hope this is all an understanding and hope that someone could help contact Ric and remind him of his goods to me (forummer: the pls help if you can).
Have yet to, but will do so now. Whichever it is, i used both my phone and computer (two different ips) and both were blocked by him.
It does not seem coincidental, but I do hope it is as such. Will update the status here. I have also requested the who is on good terms with CNQ for assistance to contact.
I have had a couple times where it took a while to get in touch with him but he has always come through. I do wonder though how much time he will have now that he is selling lights through a bunch of different distributors.
Ric’s email system seems to block of lot of incoming emails automatically. I don’t know why it happens, but I don’t think it’s intentional on his part.
I’ve never had a problem buying from Ric. My experience with him has been that he can be slow to respond, but he always makes things right in the end.
A whole lot of connections are giving failures the last week or so. I think sites (and intermediates along the way) are being changed as they fix that ‘heartbleed’ bug, and as certificates are revoked and recreated and reinstalled. I had to download a fresh certificate myself to identify myself to a number of sites. I’d suggest checking your browser’s advanced security /certificates section to see if anything looks funny, and check your console/terminal to see what errors are happening.
Everything I ordered from CNQG arrived. I have no complaints.
Delivery is slow though. Typically takes 3-6 weeks for shipment to arrive here in California. But he has a good selection and good prices so I don’t mind.
I don’t think I’d bother sending an email to follow-up on the status of a shipment from CNQG until at least 8 weeks have gone by since I ordered.
Pretty much my experience as well. Had me exasperated until I decided to have a little faith and wait. They just have a different brand of “slow”. The last few orders show “purchase did not go through” but it shows up on paypal and several weeks later the package appears. Not the best way to run things but still no complete failures.
My only experience with Ric is with the issues that my Starry SA-22 light has. As I mentioned in this thread, Starry Light SA-22 BLF light issue post #11, Ric said that he would send me a replacement and I got an email the other day saying that it’s been shipped. So far I have had nothing but positive dealings with him (sample size of 1 of course).
He also was responsive to my emails so I’m not sure what’s going on here.
I don’t think email is 100% reliable so it would be a good idea to also contact him via pm. I had an issue with Cutter that took 8 months to resolve because of email snafu’s and was only finally resolved when MRsDNF contacted them for me and one of them became a member of the forum. In the end they were very nice and sent me my first mt-g2 for my pains.
Ric/CNQG seems completely random and variable. I did get an order in relatively good time, those have been in group buys. Individual orders I’ve had take 2, 3 and 6 MONTHS, and he still hasn’t gotten some of them right. Its almost like he doesn’t always check his email then will check when you happen to send later and say he’ll do something, then forget, then you remind him again and he works on it but then forgets some detail of the original order. Seems to be the pattern.
So I’d go ahead and keep reminding him every week or so, its probably a temporary internet problem, and if not use a different email. He seems to want to make good on his orders, just maybe he has very bad ADD or something, and if its not written down in a large group like a group buy, it may slip his mind.
Maybe he doesnt actually speak English, and instead relies on English speaking girlfriends? Right now his gf does not speak English, or lied about it. Maybe his GF is angry with you for interrupting them
I tried using a separate email server, Hotmail, and Ric responded. However, I’m asking him for explanations as to why my gmail was blocked, hoping that it was all not intentional.
If any of you using Gmail is able to reach him, then i would think otherwise.
Isn’t that hugely risky seeing as PayPal only give you 45 days to raise a dispute.
I’ve bought several items from Ric/Fancyflashlights/CNQG. I really want to like them and support them, but all but one order has been problematic. The last being the wrong item sent and only a token $5 off my next purchase offer before I could no longer email them (bounced back as address unknown), and more often than not I get this: