I’m installing LED strip lighting in my closet. From the controller, I wired into a motion sensor and spliced the output 3 ways for a parallel system. If in series, I’d have a bunch of extra wire that i want hidden. Im new to LED and this is my first project. I managed to fry 2 motion sensors. Im not sure if I shorted someting OR if splicing after the motion sensor is not an option. I was succesfull with 2 shelves but when i did the 3rd, the sensor fried. Like i said…could be a short but I dont know. I want to find out if my plan is sound before i try to buy another motion sensor.
What power supply are you using?
If it’s the one that came with one of the LED strips - it may not be able to supply enough current for 3 strips.
Give it a try with just the power supply and a single strip to see if it lights up.
If it works, add the motion sensor.
Once you have something that works - proceed from there.
All the Best, Jeff
I recently came across the COB flexible strip so ordered some to try them out. I looked up the specifications for the ones I have. They are not exactly the same as what you ordered. It’s hard to figure out exactly how many watts per meter yours require but for mine it is 10W per meter. I have 12V, cool white, and 320 LEDs/m. The specs say 10W/m with an output of 1000 lumens/m.
If you used the entire 15.4 meters you bought, that would be slightly above the rated capacity for the PIR. Unless you want to use the remote control or dimmable functions on the remote, you don’t need to use the controller supplied with the lights. You can hook the power supply directly to the PIR and then the PIR to the strips. BTW, there is nothing wrong with splitting the strip into 3 parts and powering all three from the PIR. The suggestion to try it with one strip is a good one. If it works on one and two, then you know you need to shorten the strip and not use the controller to dim the light. 15000 lumens is an awful lot of light for a closet if properly placed in the closet.
What you bought is a very common sensor. I always use eBay, not Amazon. I bought all of the lights to convert my entire house a few years ago. Here is the link on eBay where you get three controllers for $8 with free shipping from a US seller in CA 3X DC 12V-24V 8M Automatic Infrared PIR Motion Sensor Detector Switch LED light | eBay
Thanks to everyone for the confirming the concepts that were questionable to me. I ultimately used the advice of Lightbringer and put the PIR before my controller. Since I had no negative feedback on splitting to the 3 strips (and confirmed by Vegas_LED_fan), I had confidence in going forward with the plan. Furthermore, it confirmed that either I had very bad luck with the two PIR’s OR…i was not disciplined enough in my wiring and must have shorted. All that said…i just have some cable management and paint left.
I probably used all but 7 feet left in the 50 foot kit. Again, thanks for getting me to the finish line!