Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

Hey Lazy! I really appreciate the excellent, detailed information. And… it worked! I had to do both tasks - sand down the anodized end of the short tube and make a conductive washer from a paperclip. But once I did, the short tube finally worked. Thank you so much for your help! After reading several hundred comments about faulty 18350 tubes, I considering myself lucky that I got it to work at all.

Have a great day!

Ish! The BLF a6 and AL s1 aren’t showing up on BG, I get a 404 not found. They were up there yesterday, I should have pulled the trigger!

Bankruptcy? Many items have disappeared…

Are you asking if I’m bankrupt? Or are you saying that this flashlight series might be bankrupt/gone?

Not you.
I am asking if BG may be going to bankruptcy.

i think all the lights are sold out. when are they ever going to make some more ?
when are we going to have another group buy to read about every day.

I wonder why Astrolux would re-brand the BLF if they weren’t going to make em for a while?

manker translates to drama, in chinese. they just want to cause trouble.

I’m not happy with the build quality and finishes of my BLF A6 and Kronos X5/X6 that are made by Manker.
Seems like not many complaints on Manker’s ownmodels but plenty on the BLF groupbuy lights made by them

Maybe it’s a sign then…
that I should build my own rocket!!!

Looks to me like they are back on the site now, both BLF and Astrolux editions.

As translated by someone who actually speaks the language…

I don’t think they were aware of how the word sounds in English. “Is that a Manker Boney in your pocket?”

You’re right. I placed an order a couple days ago. Hopefully I win the QC lottery!

so is the one on there now:

th right one (seems to be, given the UI, etc.)

Currently on promo price which seems to be the discounted price, and so not allowing codes, or is there another code I’m not aware of?


$25 was the group buy price I don’t think there is a code to make it cheaper.

thanks - good value anyway, so will get one……

The price of $25 for the A6 is the best I’ve ever seen, and I am the king of cheap, I keep all the old codes going quit awhile back, but I’ll be grabbing a couple more Ano A6’s at this price,

But I personally love the Non-Anodized A6, have the 3D tint and it holds it’s own against most my low grade 80+ Nichia’s real nice tint so going for the 5A now because ↓↓↓

I just found out that the old code for the Non Ano A6 is still good, and I thought I’d get over here and let you all know. If your interested, Not big money but nearly the same price as the Ano A6 is now…

Brought the price down from $30 to $27, I did try it just now and have it in the cart, so both A6’s together is a great price.
Non Ano A6 Code 8d7e0d

Edit: Hum, seems to me that BG has an issue with me attempting to code them on the Non Ano A6 & try to get the discounted price for the Ano A6, Will need to do two orders I guess and I thought I was cheap

Bye the way the last 3 Ano A6’s I have gotten from China have had the red LED board, maybe got tired of painting them, kidding, and really clean soldering jobs.

I tried the shorty code below but don’t think it’s working, says only good on special items, but you can’t stack two codes in the same order anyhow.
Maybe someone might look around BLF and see if they can find the old ReMann’s code I think it was for the shorty tubes, I might have it wrong in my notes.

BLF A6 Flashlight 18350 Body Extension Tube
CC: 76986f

i would like to sell my A6s. i don’t ever use them

Hi guys, I already ordered a couple of Keeppower IMR 18350 750mAh as suggested by many (at the good price of 7.58 USD for the pair using the discount code)

Now I would like a couple of cells for maximum runtime at lower drain modes (tailcap current in the 200-800 mA range) so I should probably get a couple of good ICR cells around 900 mAh. Any suggestion of good deals available?

If this had a USB charging socket, it’d be perfect :slight_smile: