Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

As usual for me to, this thread keeps getting more and more confusing. :~



I got that :slight_smile: the only part i didn’t get is Steve, who or what does Steve refer to around here? i know he/it? has a emoticon here
:cowboy_hat_face: & Dale just referred to him as lost in that very buggy sentence :smiley:

I get it now.

Dale - I think the pharmacist switched my meds....or yours. Can't tell.

For now I’m in for one cool white but expect to add to that later.

Now that I think about it, the dress is proof that poor lighting can only result in conflict and discord. Even brief exposure to such tragic illumination filled the internet with so much contention that the depravity entered this very thread, deep in the hallowed ground of the house of light.

This would never have happened if the photographer of that dress had used a BLF EE A6.

So let us do our part to fight the madness, to bring light and joy to the world. Let the group buy continue!

And on that note, I’m going back to the lab to cook up some new experiments.

MRsDNF is lost, Bugsy is off his meds, and Foy, who used to do great reviews here and bring much joy and humor…. is AWOL. (It was Foy thatusedtorunthingstogether)

I am building massive output lights so I’ll be ready when they come after ME! (I’m rapidly becoming an elder on the forum)

I haven’t been here all that long, came in green and am now having a blast stupifying Scott with my daring adventures. Who would have thought that I would have 4 lights that make a combined 42,000 lumens? Serious battery killing potential right there!

And this A6 will do some cell slaying in it’s own right, you watch!

Just to add to Dales comments I also could be on some mind altering medication.

Terrific work ToyKeeper and welcome back aboard. You are doing work that I have no comprehension on, I do understand the outcome but not how to get to the outcome. Just ignore the couple of train wrecks here and yes I'm including myself there.

Whoa, 42,000 lumens???

I’m going to need some darker sunglasses. And blackout curtains. Maybe a vacation house in the mines of Moria. Perhaps I’ll just chill for a while in the dark rift between worlds until your batteries run out.

Its a trick, don’t fall for it! They mentioned the dress in hopes you would walk off! Then the horde won’t get custom drivers and our lights will remain elite!

I’ll tell you what, if you stay we will all chip in and get you a fabulous cell phone case in appreciation of your fabulous firmware. :bigsmile:

Would you prefer blue or white? 0:)
Ignore the apple logo. I doubt your rocking anything but a rooted android with custom rom. Ubuntu phone?

Nooooo LOL :smiley: is there already phone cases done? or is it just some quick photoshop work……

Oh, I am afraid tis quite real.
iphone 6 iphone 6 plus

That is just crazy almost scary…….

Just teasing… you know I couldn’t stop the group buy even if I wanted to, right? :slight_smile:

Thanks, but I don’t use a phone. I communicate via telepathy, and I’ve already got plenty of head ornaments to decorate my communication device.

You know what else is new besides phone cases? The manufacturer of “the dress” decided to start making a white and gold version, in addition to the blue and black one in the terrible picture.

Also, I made something else which curiously changes color while you look at it. If I toggle between the BLF A6’s 7135 power channel and the FET power channel at the same lumen level, the LED changes tint! I don’t have a proper youtube account to host it on, but if you like you can still see a short video of the effect from my site. It’s the one on the right; the Nichia 219B light on the left is only for tint reference.

neat video :-)

That is the most direct and fair registration of tint change caused by current change that I have ever seen!

Interesting video :slight_smile: but that get me wishing we could get Nichia 219B with as much output as the XP-L V6 :frowning:

I liked the look of the white & gold more anyway, i wonder how long it will take before the Chinese cloners will sell it on ebay :smiley:

Dang it just got my H02 headlamp yesterday in the mail...came on here intending to do a short post about it and happened to see this thread first...

I want one!, in NW if possible.

Thanks! (wallet says curses though)