Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

Nice :slight_smile:

I think the bike flasher is a better choice, it isn’t to hard to short a pin on the attiny13a, if we get some good descriptive pictures on how and what to ground out for mode memory.

But now i kind of miss the almost 7A laser :wink:

Please put me down for 4 more NW. Originals are at 69,70,422, and 423.

If possible, please put me be down for one Cool White in addition to the Neutral white I asked for at position #449 please.


Can I ask what the postage deal is for the UK?

Not sure what you mean. I would assume it is no different than anything else that you would order from Banggood.

Hey! One for me! NW!! :bigsmile:

’ll be interested in one! NW please.

One in NW, please.

One in NW for me please

Please put me down for
1 x CW
1 x NW

Put me down for one CW please

Light sounds pretty sweet, put me down for a NW. Been looking for a crazy little flashlight.

I’m already down for one NW and one CW.

Please put me down for an extra one of each.


I would like one in NW please.

Any updates?

I am in for a CW

I have lost some info, how many modes are now? Always 6?
Thank you.


Wow! Almost at 500!

Not yet. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow but I don't know

The original programming was 6 or 7 BUT the light is equipped with a driver that a person could reflash to whatever they wanted. Now TK (ToyKeeper) has been able to rewrite/revamp the programming to have a user choice of 4 or 7 modes, as well as a bunch of hidden modes including a battery check and of late a biking strobe (I think)

Sounds great, as long as max output isn’t sacrificed.