Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

I actually would be very surprised if Eagle Eye moves 1000 lights a day or even a week.

I remember they had to produce the 1050 X6-SE’s for weeks before they could deliver them in batches to banggood. And i wouldn’t be surprised if thats all they did under those weeks.

I just don’t think they are an that big of an operation and moves those kind of volumes, if you combine the “sold” on banggood on EE light you get a couple of hundreds sold, + the X6-SE at 1236 units sold.

So at least at banggood the X6-SE have sold several times the numbers the other EE lights have sold.

It’s available at the link(s) in my signature. Additionally, there is a version with all the runtime config bits stripped out to make room for other features, and I’m about ready to release a third version tuned for my personal use (it has a ton of blinkies).

The firmware won’t get a final rev until we receive production samples. I assume I’ll need to recalibrate everything for EE’s hardware.

Count me in too. :slight_smile:

I’ve been reading though it, still need to understand some parts, but I might have months waiting for the light :slight_smile:

Please also make that third personal version also available as a c file. I use flashlights mainly on my bike, and I like all those choices!

Please sign me up for one NW.

that is a considerable number! I hope you do not have a deadline anytime soon

Maybe he just needs a lot of light some time in the future :wink:

Or maybe he’s going to buy them for the GB price and sell them for what they’re really worth! Some members did that with the BLF X6-SE. :stuck_out_tongue: With 50 flashlights, he could have a very successful run on eBay!

I know and I was thinking it, but I didn’t want to say it out loud :open_mouth:

Count me for a NW please

I see a lot of talk from people not making their own custom group buy.

Honestly, group buys are about planning next year's Christmas present to yourself. I'd be extremely satisfied if I see these before this year's end.

I wonder ….how did i missed that! :slight_smile:
Count me in for….lets say 5 pcs CW

I agree mate, but it must also tick all the boxes if we are waiting the best part of a year for it

This one just might do that.

In light of Christmas, please add another NW for processengr #393.
Thanks for organizing this GB!!

Bump me up one NW, please. I’m still thinking a July delivery date - am I unreasonable?

No I do not think it is unreasonable but a lot will depend on what they send us for samples....which are supposed to be ready this week. If they did what we asked, and did it properly then we will be good to go.

You can hope. I suppose it is still possible, but I wouldn’t count on it. As others have said, these things take some time, and after all is said and done, it could still easily be another month for shipping.

Question: Some time ago I jumped in for 1 of each tint.

Am I going to be limited to just those, or will there be an opportunity to buy more after we get to see them?

Sorry - I’m new to the Special Edition GBs.


I forgot to mention the tint, will be ” NW ” for mine.