Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

I hope some quick reviews and beamshots will be here. The review may get more orders from me…. This is getting exciting!!!

Thanks for the update, good job :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to see how close they get at first try :slight_smile: this is going to get interesting.

Maybe the new XPL will be out before this light is finished.

Copper would be nice but at least one of mine will have it ripped out anyway, Why just run one LED?

But do we want more throw in this light, with an OP reflector this small, i think i would chose more lumens with the stock XPL HD than a little extra throw with less lumens with the XP-L HI.

I’ve got a design and a prototype for a triple spacer for this light. I should have a shop lined up to make them by before the GB starts shipping.

Estimated cost?


Yeah :slight_smile: now we are cooking

I want spacers & triples :smiley:

I asked very early in this thread about the triple potential of this light, the strange this was, nobody seemed interested.

What is the size of the mcpcb in the A6? is it the same as the noctigon triple?

If my guess is right, that means it’ll probably show up the day after I leave for a work trip. :frowning:

But maybe it’ll show up early enough that I can take it with me and review it on the road. I won’t have most of my tools with me though…

ToyKeeper, don’t go looking for dark alleys in strange cities just to test the new sample. :slight_smile:

You know the trouble with triples? Space.

I think that may be the only episode of ST:TOS I’ve ever watched all the way through… but it left an impression. :slight_smile:

LOL :smiley:

But in a tiny light like this i would think heat would be a bigger problem :wink:

Silly RC, tribbles don’t reproduce sexually.
And even if they did, you’d have a damn hard time locating the bits to spay or neuter. I’m never sure if I’m petting it’s head or butt.

Also what McCoy fails to realize is that there is nothing under those colored tribbles. Its all tribble! Wearing colored tribbles is only done by the male of that species. 8) From that day forward, McCoy learns to always ask if one really is the female of their species.

I’m not getting my hopes as high as 1600 lumen, just looking for a nice light. I wonder if many who order the CW are intending to dedome or just prefer the higher output/color of CW.

Million dollar question: did they do wight's FET+7135 driver with Toykeeper's firmware??

(that goes against everything I understand about budget chinese flashlight production and will be the real milestone of this group buy, and for Eagle Eye)

I am quite skeptical on the matter but we shall see…

I am still in for two regardless :slight_smile:

No updates since 3/30


Please see post #1508.

“Quick update …on the way to work

At the moment….samples dispatched via DHL. I expect them some time next week, where I will be sending them to the rest of the group.”