Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

The heat question has external variables attached. Here in Central Texas the ambient temperature can easily still be 100 degrees F after midnight and this can be for two or even 3 months out of the year, so the 30 second Turbo timer is good here.

Probably the single best answer is to ixnay the tepdownsay. Then the user would be responsible for monitoring the light dependent on the situation at hand.

After midnight? Damn, I’d be digging an under ground bunker.
And I was just thinking a little heat would be better than deep cold winters.

Our average temperature for February was 7 as in a single digit……………
Might be a nice hand warmer for me :slight_smile:

For me, it’s all a matter of keeping my precious safe from self-inflicted damage in a tropical setting. If 30 seconds is safer than 60 seconds, I go with 30 seconds. As was stated before, you can always bump the turbo back on as many times as you like.

Oh, come on now… Hawaii is not hot - Hawaii, is Perfection!

Florida is not hot either - right now our midnights are around 75°.

Dale - Sounds like you have it HOT! :slight_smile:

And yet, you are saying to remove the step-down altogether - Sounds good to me!




I want to be able to gift this light.

I say let TK test her sample and set it accordingly based on her results…or maybe 45 seconds would be a good compromise?

Smart man…


+1 Even though its cold during 6 months a year, safety is always the better. And as stated below. Bump it back on if you like.

Previously we talked about program it via USB, and being able to use coding and set your own modes. I would hardly ever use low, but a moon would be great.

Moon -> Mid -> High -> Turbo


See? There’s no easy answer, people in different parts of the world, with different needs, will all have a different solution. I might never leave a light tail standing (I don’t), you might need to do that regularly.

For me, knowing the light is a hot rod, I like keeping it in hand and controlling the run time according to what I see it doing right NOW. I’d much rather a light not have a step-down at all, than begin to rely on that and have it potentially fail, or even worse, forget which light does what and expect it to step down when it’s not even a feature of the light. (my memory sucks, big time)

I have quite a few lights now with this UI and I really really like it. I use the 7 mode group and have become so accustomed to the reverse feature that I expect it in all my lights and am ready to rebuild a bunch to make it happen.

To each his/her own, of course.

Krono can tell you, a near best case scenario here in Texas throughout the summer is 80-85 degrees through the night with high humidity. You can’t go out at 3AM and move around at all without breaking into a sweat. Likewise, a light heat’s up pretty good with such a warm ambient temperature.

I can remember it being 25 degrees and icy in late Jan early Feb and then suddenly be in the 80’s and even once 100 in Feb after 3 days of 25, then drop back to freezing temps the very next day. You just never know around here what you’re gonna get, makes it tough when your’e a mason’s helper or a building materials delivery driver, you learn to wear multiple layers with summer clothes at the base and many a day I’ve ridden a bike to work wearing 7 layers and have it all bundled on the back on the way home at dark thirty. I’ve also been caught on a hot summer day without rain gear or a jacket and had a Blue Norther roll in with a 30-40 degree temperature drop in 20 minutes, accompanied by heavy rain and hail. From 90+ to 50’s and windy/wet, is a bear!


Let the our Expert Team decide.



and a steam whistle alarm when the water’s boiling ….

Well, it CAN be nice when you have a little tube coffee warmer …

I’m getting scared of the talk of two modes available and nothing about the hidden blinky modes. I need a powerful strobe really bad :slight_smile:

As for flashing the firmware, I probably have the right hardware already, but I’m guessing some soldering or micro clips to legs of the mcu will be required?

Lurker here; I just couldn’t resist this one! Would there be any issue if a newbie joined in the group buy?

I’d be interested in one NW and one CW light, if possible.

No issue.
All are welcome!

This isn’t a GB where one person needs to collect money or anything. You would just receive a code that allows you to purchase the light directly from

The strobe is in the hidden loop accessed via reversing from moon mode, which is the default first click from off.

I like 60 sec, or no stepdown at all.

I love no stepdown idea, but since we live in a world with lots of irresponsible people…ADD and other animals…someone is guaranteed to leave in on in a situation sufficient to cause it to melt itself. On the other hand, the manufacturer and sellers are in China, so they really couldn’t sue them…

definitely prefer stepdown to meltdown