Cold Steel experiences...

Well my good friend has spotted a nice looking cold steel knife ( Naturally as he’s inexperienced (with knives of course :bigsmile: ) he asked me to find out if they are any good, so if anyone has some first experience with their knives it would be very helpful.


Cold Steel knives are great value-for-money. I have one and love their graphic videos! Their blades for various models is a good balance combining east and west metallurgy. That Tuff Lite is a lot bigger than its previous mini version and the blade has a hollow ground flat edge that is so razor sharp you can shave with it!

I have a Cold Steel AK47 and a Mini AK47, and they are great. Sub zero quenched steel and sharp as razors out of the box.

I live 10 min away from their headquaters. Every time Ive had an issue or question regarding their knives, they’ve resolved it in a professional manner. I have a lot of their knives, I really love the voyager series. I just picked up the Espada medium and had to do a DIY stonewash :wink: . You also don’t have to worry about the knife being sharp, every CS comes razor sharp out of the box! Here are some of my CS’s…enjoy



The Cold Steel Triad lock is the strongest locking system there is.

When did that replace the Benchmade AXIS system as the strongest locking system?

Thank you ! Looks like I’ll have to order one for myself too :zipper_mouth_face:

I like Cold Steel as well. I’ve owned half a dozen and everyone had exceeded my expectations. Good knives, good value.

My favourite Natchez in another classic CSK video - (Spoiler : only thing it won’t cut is a budget deficit) :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d add that CS knives are very highly rated on amazon.

That Tanto lite is wicked sharp, almost cut my finger right off, slicing tomatoes of all things :slight_smile:

I’ve got a machete and kukri machete from coldsteel. They are very nice quality and if the blade gets nicks or dings they are very easy to sharpen out.

I always have the kukri in my hunting backpack.

Only con would be the sheaths, for my two models at least the sheaths have limited connecting straps. I would have liked more than just a belt loop.
Thats the kukri model I have, didn’t see machete on that site.

I would recommend them as an affordable quality blade.

I often EDC the tuff-lite, and it has held up to quite a bit of use. I prefer their fixed-blades, but this is one folder that I can heartily recommend.

While CS is not the most high-end of brands, I find them to provide a fantastic value for the money.

My 50+ Cold Steel collection is a testament to this, IMO.

Cold Steel certainly make some good knives, although I’ve read some people criticize the steels they use. That said, I do like their Voyager range and a large (4”) with a spear or clip (do they do a clip, I can’t remember) would be my preferred EDC if I could convince myself to part with $60.