Color me shocked

Well, in RL, I do sport a very cool beard. Toss some glasses on that hillbilly and change the cowboy boots to Red Wings and it would be pretty much spot on. Except I'm pretty gruff and grumpy, normally. I know, go figure.

The sad truth is I wouldn't even have an avatar but for the fact that my wife put that spoiled cat up there to bust my nuts and I'm not really sure how to get it off; and she would just do it again even if I could figure it out.

Lensman, congrats on becoming a dad. The thing that struck me most when our first son arrived was the realization that I had absolutely no idea how much anguish and worry my brothers and I must had surely caused my parents... and likely still do. If you are a half way rational and forward looking human, you can't help but feel the weight of the huge and awesome responsibility you now face. After all these years, being a parent still freaks me out a little. So much is determined by our performance and part of our human condition is that we will make mistakes. These are the things that keep me up at night.

GottaZoom, I really respect Voltaire. In fact, If if I could have dinner with any two people, living or dead, it would be Voltaire and Bob Roll. With luck, Taylor Swift would be our waitress. Not that I consider her that interesting, but she sure is fun to look at.

This got me to thinking, perhaps we should have a thread where people post pictures of themselves (if they choose to participate) so we can put faces to names. You ever wonder what people look like?


Ya, it's worked so well for Grunta.

Perhaps for some people we'd rather not know what they look like!


Amen to that bro! 13month boy keeping me real...

I hope my wife never sees this thread because she has a very funny picture of me in my sasquatch pose under the Big Foot X-ing sign that's is part of the way up "Pike Peak's road". Very funny, but I'm not so sure I want everybody to see it.

What's her email? I'll tell her not to read this particular thread. I'm just looking out for you!


Sure, Garry, sure. Just PM me, I promise she'll get it. There must be a way to pixelate a face, right? I like all humor, but I prefer self deprecating best of all because then I don't get punched in the face. S)

Any time, brother! :beer:

Great idea. here's mine

Option 1: "That's what she said"

Option 2: "Damn, that poor cat"

Option 3: "I'm calling the animal control office..."

Damn - thats Dm51's pic

@cone: I'd rather go out bar hopping with Bobke... 8)

Just sayin'....

(and Taylor could come along too)

I've actually met him twice. Once at Interbike where he was gracious enough to sign a poster for me and my then new bride, and then again about two weeks later on the streets of Durango. He actually came up to me and said, "Hey, aren't you that couple spending your honeymoon at Interbike?" He then proceeded to laugh his a$$ off. I would have asked him to dinner then had he not been with a big group of people. Looking back, I wish I had.

Option 0: Too much information about the personal life with the cat


AND....Burro was assuming that forcing a PC type agenda into this form would have the same over-sensitive / over-reaction as CPF.

Thats a turd that won't float. One main reson that this forum is so much fun, so enjoyable, so damned good is the fact that it is the 100% opposite of CPF.

Welcome Back BURRO. Enjoy this forum for what it is, relaxed and free.