Color Quiz: How good are your eyes?

Saw this colour test on Facebook and thought why not :slight_smile:

Color Quiz SocialEyes

Post your score here :wink:

Not sure how scientific this is so I wouldn’t look too much into your own results :stuck_out_tongue:

Did the test once and was sure I failed a few, but was really surprised :slight_smile:
But again I doubt there is any scientific merit based on this sort of thing.

16/16 here. But it was not too easy actually, the black one nearly caught me.


Eye of an Eagle here as well, it is pretty subtle.

If I didn’t know that I was supposed to find the odd one out, I wouldn’t have noticed most of them.

Eye of an Eagle

Wow! You answered all correctly and have scored the highest possible score! You have an impressive sight! You have the ability to notice the tiniest nuances and details, and nothing gets past you! Congratulations to you!

Now, We’d like to test your friends and family if you don’t mind sharing the quiz. Thanks!

My Old Eyes are still GOOD !!!


Does everyone get 16/16?

I just picked them randomly, took me about 10 seconds.

My score: “Awesome! Your sight is super sharp. You got everything right!”.

I got perfect, but I absolutely guessed at the BLACK one.

Laser Vision

Awesome! Your sight is super sharp. You got everything right! You scored in the top 6%, which is really hard to get. You must go to a real great Eye Doctor! Is that your secret? Share on Facebook and tell us.

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Uh oh. Hope this is not the latest way to spread a virus! If you truly picked at random, the odds of getting everything right is 1/5 to the 16th power = 1 / 152,587,890,625.

If you did get them all, I wonder how come you did not get the same "Eye-of-an-Eagle" message as the rest of us.

Your result answers a lot of questions. Evidently, you can get "everything right," and still miss one or two.

Yep, I seriously think this test is rigged :wink:

The black one nearly threw me.

to see if it was rigged, which black one did u pick, do you remember?

I was worried it would say all my flashlights had the wrong tint!

Lol, that would be an absolute disaster 0:)

The middle one of course…

Which one did you pick?

It’s easy to see if it’s legitimately a different colour by opening a screenshot in Paint and selecting the colour picker which tells you the exact ratio of RGB and hue within each colour. In the case of the black boxes the four boxes beside the middle are pure black (RGB. 0,0,0: Hue. 160: Sat. 0: Lum. 0 ) whilst the middle colour is a slightly off black with a greater amount of lightness (lum) (RGB. 17,17,17: Hue. 160: Sat. 0: Lum. 16)

Or perhaps all of that is just obvious to most people :wink:

Funny, when I just did that with your black swatches, I got RGB = 16,16,16 for the middle one.

Awesome! Your sight is super sharp. You got everything right! You scored in the top 5%,

ya the black was tricky.

not easy, maybe now I can justify more nichias!
