Zero info yet. Maybe @Mankerlight can share some info.
What do you think it will be? What are you hoping for?
My guess is it’s a 14500 version. Maybe 18350. Would be cool to have 18350/18650 tubes.
I’d love a more versatile UI. Maybe dual switch like the MC11 II (or maybe I just want an MC11 III with SFT-40).
I think a ~30-34mm head would be nice. The striker has a 39mm bezel and is a little wide to me, and the strike bezel means the reflector is smaller, so it only throws 500m, less than comparable options with a similar size head. It’s a tradeoff for having the silly murder bezel, but it would be nice to see if they could optimize the design to allow a larger reflector somehow.
Anyway, hopefully we’ll know more than just the name soon. What do you think?