Okay, I got one, so here’s a little “review” of the C8-ish light… 
It came in brown box, no damage at all from bouncing around in the rather huge Amazon box.
The light was in a drawstring carrier, like for a very very short umbrella, the light itself in a bubblewrap baggie, not a scratch on it.
Semigloss black ano, quite nice. Very very lightweight, threads are not anodised (so no tailcap lockout), but are buttery smooth.
Switch has a nice crisp click to it. Standard “pogo-stick” design. Half-press works nicely.
Now the disappointing parts… 
Looks like a pretty cool (6500K+) XP-E, no thermal goop on the shelf, so it’s just floating around on there.
Plastic(!!) reflector, but glass front. Don’t go swapping an XP-L and pushing 10A through it, or the reflector will melt on ya.
Looks like a generic cheap driver, unregulated except for parallelled chip-resistors and probably the typische 3-pin µC doing the modes.
Thin spring had my flat-top LG bouncing around in there only making intermittent contact. Had to physically pull on the spring to stretch it to make good contact with the cell. I’m at work, so no meter to measure tailcap current in the different modes.
Speaking of which… modes: high, low, single-freq strobe. Could be good for light-painting. 
Throws a nice tight hotspot, so it’ll reach, even if it doesn’t belt out 1000lm.
Now the really disappointing part. I was nicely offered a pair of 18650s, but they clocked in at only 1650mAh and 1250mAH on my brawny-but-not-almighty Opus ’3100. Eep! 
So, all in all, it’s a C8-ish light, has some nice qualities like a nice finish and smooth threads, but I’d ditch the reflector and driver. The emitter might be usable, but I prefer warmer CTs. The reflector (plastic and all) and spacer fits nicely over the XP-E and holds together a decent beam, so it should be easy to swap in a colored XP-E2 (red, green, etc.) if you want a decent “hunting light”.
I mean, let’s face it, for 4bux or even 6bux, it’s not going to be in the same class as a C8F or C8T or anything, but it’ll be easy to do a little swapping and make a decent light out of it, even keeping the plastic reflector.
And since I still can’t find a Black Cat (made in Gemany), having a Street Cat is pretty kewl.