Compared My Fenix TK70 To My Better XM-L Throwers


I said I would believe it when I see it.

How many lights do you own?

You still haven’t answered my question. Why do you think you know better than two people who have both lights (which you do not) and have said that the TN31 out throws the TK70?

He's saying he disagrees with them. Can we please stop arguing.


i’ll go take a picture of a light that will out throw the TN31 with room to spare.

So what? Of course there are lights that will out throw the TN31. But not the TK70, according to two people who have both (which you do not).

I was just trying to find out why you think you know better than they do. Now I have my answer. :slight_smile:

Well I got one that will out throw most including the Dereelight.

Eat your heart out.

Professionals Favorite 350yds manual exposure 1 sec shutter f/4.5 ISO 400

:bigsmile: again I ask you how many lights do you have? You seem to know so much. Where would I be without ya?

This shot during daylight although back a little bit say 30yds farther roughly will help put things a litte more in to perspective for those that may think that barn isn’t all that far in the picture above. No zoom on this one.

Oh wow! Here you go making me want a tk 70 again. :smiley:

LOL. If number of lights had anything to do with it, you wouldn’t think you know more about other people’s lights than they do.

Maybe if you’re good your mom will buy you a TN31 and you’ll see the light. :smiley:

Luvlites it is not going to get you a lot of love around here if you keep acting the way you are. In fact there is a good word to describe you, troll.

Because I’m trying to get a straight answer? Not that it’s your business anyway.

Yes this seems like a very good way of getting an answer; turning to insults.

Hey now there’s your first good reply.

I just doubt that a light that only has 80,000 lux is gonna beat the the TK70 by much if in fact it does beat it. That’s what I been trying to tell you. Some folks go on what they see. I go on what my camera sees.

The TK70 thows very well even if it is a triple XM-L light. It would throw even better if they just deepened the reflector more on each LED.

And I can assure you the TK70 throws farther than most single XM-L lights.

He’s probably just some kid looking for attention.

But I’m going to be really good this year. LOL!

Excuse me but he said his mom might buy him one. Maybe you shouldn’t interject yourself in others’ conversations.

More light doesn’t necessarily mean more throw. If you want to ignore what people say who actually own both lights, knock yourself out :slight_smile:

Well I’m almost 49yrs old. My mom is almost 82. But I think we are just going to have to agree we disagree here. I just showed you a light that I know for certain will out throw the Dereelight. And I would say it’s safe to say the Dereelight will out throw most lights on here. But the TK70 nonetheless is one awesome thrower and there isn’t a lot of lights that will beat it in throw. And up close it ain’t even close when compared to most lights.

First of all this is a public forum. Secondly yes he said he might get one from his mom that does not mean you can go and mock him and act superior to him. I’m sorry that your mom doesn’t care enough to give you a present.