confused about these 2 blue light LEDs

Hi All,
I have been searching for clarification on these 2 light bulbs. It was recommended that this bulb be used for a hobby.

But I found another that looks exactly the same. When I asked what the difference was they said wattage but the wattage is also the same. they are both 450-460nm and 36 watts

Can anyone clarify what the difference is besides the $8 difference in price.

I appreciate anything you can tell me.
Thank you

One has lots of fairly high reviews, the other has 1 good and 2 nasty ratings.

One has lots of tekkie info, other… not.

Several complaints about drawing much much less than the rated 36W.

Plus, if there’s one thing I learned from The Big Clive, it’s that identical-looking stuff on the outside can be drastically different on the inside. He did a comparison on something like 4 doodads (forget what they were), and only 1 was legit, whereas the others were shoddy to the point of being dangerous.

So in short, no idea.

Might just have to buy one/both and test test test. Keep the good, return the crap.