Ohhh, so this is the forthcoming AA light that’s been hinted at recently.
Thanks and congrats to thefreeman and TK, def looks like it was worth waiting for.
Not quite sure what to make of the Reddit before BLF posting though
What Aux light color do you think complements red the best? I’m thinking I might go Cyan since Green is too Christmasy and Red it too one-note (also lower efficiency).
I think Reddit is sort of the Home Room forum for Hank… he even has his own subforum (which Ive avoided, for budgetary reasons… lol)… Actually, I just find most of his lights too big and heavy, for my personal preference in small lights…
Im a little disappointed that the D3AA seems to be as large as an 18650 Zebra or FW3A… otoh, Im a big fan of the nice and slender, Emisar D2 (but it cant do AA)…
otoh, the AA option has the benefit of being able to use batteries that fare better than LiIon, for a Car Light. See what I did there… lol… I just found a perfectly reasonable justification… buy a D3AA as a Car Light… lol (the AA headlamp im my car, does not have Anduril) …
the excuses will continue, until the Buy it Now button is found
good point… hopefully we shall see, and be pleasantly surprised, soon
Congrats to thefreeman & TK for their contributions to the hobby and I hope this is just the first of many future offerings like this!
Apologies if I’ve missed it - will this work with different chemistries? I’m still looking for my ideal dual-fuel AA light to leave in the car with a NiMH cell but can still take a LiIon when I want to carry light in the pocket (pun?)…
I’ve been itching to find a quality, efficiently-driven small light and I keep finding little things here & there that just don’t quite scratch it.