FYI, over on TFF Manker is sponsoring a monthly giveaway. For the first month (August) there are 2 lights up for grabs: an E14 and a U11. If interested here is the link.
Hey Johnny, this is interesting, I see that Baidu had crawled your forum. Do you know how the Great Firewall treats your forum?
We know for some Chinese manufacturers BLF can be hard to read.
If you have managed to get whitrlisted maybe people here can fo shadow topics on your forum if we want/like/need Chinese parties to be able to read more easy?
Also may I do a topic for the Q8 on your forum? (Just registering for a GAW does not feel right )
Oops EDIT, thanks anyway for the GAW and letting us know :+1:
Hey, man, go right ahead and create your post. That’s cool.
Yeah, one thing we want the manufacturers to be able to do is see our feedback and start taking notes.
Preciate the head’s up! (now i’m a member of yet ANOTHER forum to feed the flashlight addiction……sigh)
It is quite amazing that apparently so few people are interested in winning such cool lights.
On the other hand: it increases the chances of winning for those who do participate :smiling_imp:
And yes: now I am also a member of yet ANOTHER forum to feed the flashlight addiction.
Haha shameful my first post was an “I’m in” post there. No wonder staff did not say welcome in my short introduction topic
It is very funny to see all those known names there.
At least I already had a tff account. :innocent:
JohnnyMac, will you be posting the winner here as well? I hope. :weary: I haven’t even been particular active on BLF recently.
Is there a way to view recent threads on tff? That’s all I ever use on blf.
@JohnnyMac, I know it may be minor, bit your links to the lights in the TFF thread go to a blank page on maker’s site now (at least for me). Don’t know if that’s affecting the lack of participation.
Both of your links go to "manker - not found" over at tff. I never managed to go over there. I know, or thought it was started because some people got tired of blf, just as blf got started because some people got tired of cpf, but I figure I just don't see any reason to go from one to another when it's mostly the same people in both forums, LOL. As long as Greta is not in it, it's probably a nice place.
Sorry, good luck with the contests.
Greta…… Curiosity piqued.
Don’t go there.
Enough said.
Wow, a quick Google search and I have learnt some very interesting things about that individual…
Winners have been chosen for the contest.
Shameless registration awaiting next month GAW.
I was tempted to enter this but didn’t want to be a GA spammer. I doubt that I would have anything worth posting on a second flashlight forum. Haha, I bet a lot think I barely post anything worthwhile on this forum