CONUS Only Giveaway - TrustFire TR-003P4 Battery Charger Gifted by LightsCastle - WE HAVE A WINNER!

Very generous, indeed. Since I’m on a roll with not winning things, why not keep the streak alive?

I’m in. Thanks

Count me in too, please.


Thanks O-L. I’m in for fun. I would have to buy some more cells to make it worth it.

Sure I’ll be in for this. Thanks yet again.

I’m in. Thanks again. Good luck to everyone.

Sure, I’m in, thanks!

Why not.

Thanks O-L!

I m in thanks

I’m in…thanks

I’m in. Thanks again.

Count me in please!

In, please. Thank you.

I have USA address. Count me in, thanks

Its OL Giveaway day folks! Thanks man!

im in!

Count me in, thanks.

I’ll give it a go for the lottery.

In please! Thank you!